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12x3zc8lxa4buhsaegemwmcgual 2x1 – Am Spieltisch

A drug-addicted actress dies from a cocaine overdose and leaves her fellow cast and crew members to set up the funeral.

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Dphbjzluq1xd2wdofrubc3vhgrs 2x2 – Brenne aus, kleine Kerze

A famous football player dies of dehydration during a strong training session, and the family is hired for the funeral services.

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Lppnjposaqpfrptiehfckxtbkrz 2x3 – Der Plan

A man dies after a long battle with cancer, and his psychic widow discusses the funeral arrangements with the family.

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Lc2kyv1tvn3hqqbsnd5awvu4sru 2x4 – Mr. Mossbacks Rückführung

Nate and Claire go to Seattle to pick up the body of a man who died on a public bus.

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W0nn178jrdcjfoqtspzmgewvatz 2x5 – Die unsichtbare Frau

A middle-aged woman chokes to death in her apartment, and is found dead a week later.

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2dq755wlyky4zfn2enxeveb1fsb 2x6 – Anstelle von Zorn

While at a boat party, a drunken man falls overboard. The family tries to convince his widow to use their funeral services.

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Urkrqiforfhkf3gmd9kkd20myfd 2x7 – Tante Sarahs Party

Jewish executive Jeffery Shapiro accidentally hangs himself while masturbating with asphyxiation.

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3xq0sn96bz5waz4aneh47x1jdau 2x8 – Die wunderbarste Zeit des Jahres

Christmas Eve - and the one year anniversary of Nate and Brenda's meeting and Nathaniel Fisher's death - is approaching, and this year, the Fishers are requested by bikers to allow the funeral home to be open on Christmas Day so they can have a party/memorial service for Jesse Ray Johnson, who was involved in a motorcycle accident on his way to his part-time job as a mall Santa while greeting some kids. The family (and Rico) each remember their last moments with Nathaniel and, in most cases, regret what they didn't do for him before he died. On Christmas Eve Brenda's ...

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Wb7whi3mgkektz566gztuor8lf1 2x9 – Mit den Augen eines Anderen

A construction worker's metal lunch-pail falls from his perch on the building and strikes Dwight Edgar Garrison on the head - resulting in a major family conflict between his current wife and her 2 stepdaughters from his first marriage, on whether he should be buried with his late wife or the widow. Besides having to deal with that, Nate remains unaware that Brenda is still seeing other men but wonders whether she still wants to marry him, or just does out of pity...and whether he should wed at all when Lisa meets him and announces she's pregnant with his child. ...

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Fzsihwcneune6mgqzwuncdzkmnj 2x10 – Das Geheimnis

Benjamin Srisal suffers a heart attack at home, requiring a Bhuddist service at Fisher & Sons that Nate gets a crash-course in how to conduct, but he's still got no answers as far as what should be done concerning Brenda and Lisa. Lisa apologizes for her outburst in the store but requests she have full custody of the child, causing him to be haunted by visions of the first child they conceived, as well as all the others he lost to abortion. David and Keith begin to argue again, especially after Karla accidentally hits and kills a homeless man on the street, and Taylor...

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Luf7eialtowtfghhxmjglotdw02 2x11 – Der Lügner und die Hure

Edith Kirky is the 4th patient of the year to be brought to Fisher and Sons from Bay Breeze Hospital where Vanessa works, so David predicts Rico's usual pride over the fact...but no one predicts him, suspicious about her neck-markings, to discover a whole hot dog wedged down her esophagus. When informing the authorities, Fisher and Sons is forced to allow them to bring Vanessa and her partner to be examined since they failed to find the hot dog themselves. Rabbi Ari encourages Nate and Brenda to be honest with each other, but Brenda reacts badly when Nate informs her ...

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Rcx9ocdfwd71fyaiuho4xzyaott 2x12 – Ich nehme dich

The Diazes' friend and former neighbor Leticia Perfecta Perez dies in her sleep at a beauty parlor and leaves his family a large sum of money, causing Rico to remember how he lost his father and got into the funeral business to begin with. However, she also leaves behind a son, never close to her in life, who wishes to give her a more expensive casket than her pre-meet's choice and is jealous of Rico. Nate and Brenda attend her parents' remarriage, he goes to cheer up Aaron Buchbinder, and Keith, David, and Taylor are visited by a social worker. Nikoai responds ...

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2komnhzksuvmwwptewttybq5ylh 2x13 – Das letzte Mal

Aaron Buchbinder passes away painfully shortly after Nate arrives to visit (after he argues with Ruth about her visiting and photographing his daughter Maya). Kroehner's last act against the Fisher & Sons funeral home is to hire an inspector to examine the place, and they're fined for the problematic drainage system. Nate has a bleed requiring a cranial surgery to cure. Vanessa encourages Rico to ask for permission to be a partner since he has the money to pay the fine, and he's given 25% of it only when Nate reminds David he may need a replacement for Nate. Ruth ...

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  • Zjjlxrntxfptehtctvydvhbaq6g
  • 7vb98avodpzydgxw1k46urgqdrn
  • 8hiwv9w5rszxvwm5f8god4nswfg
  • Njwo5txjbj5lkevdlvowwthujks
  • Dzea1x4171x6lltqeldhiegaubs
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  • 2zcpr1w2tr12vii9ojjr5lb46ws
  • Em2qhfz5x9ib8e1kxu47p188cqa
  • Iblq63dq2kgodjwyncyevwn4fj4
  • Lpoe9qp7wylqztaueubmvjv14c8
  • Mpgki6ur7jrdz2yljqxy3v26gua
  • Kuzetjfm16mwngsz8guhfbdlgth
  • Ookabrtaamxwjjo1oatlfy4ygcd
  • X2b9pscbx9u46na7znzqidwtcfc
Quelle: themoviedb.org

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