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Vjm4iuj4cezha5cuy8frhhgcp6q 2x1 – Episode 1

To track down the cheating tinhorn gambler Johnny Deuce and recover his money, Randall befriends the card sharp's stepson and protégé, a twelve-year-old orphan boy and card cheat in training nicknamed The Montana Kid.

4gxpntynquqxgjyql1316voxtfn 2x2 – Episode 2

Josh embarks on a mission of mercy when he pleads with the parents of a boy with appendicitis to let the doctor operate. The father, embittered against modern medicine, trusts only the local witch to cure his son's sickness.

1gmku2vovqgillfvejnebzd1zyv 2x3 – Episode 3

Josh reluctantly accepts an offbeat assignment: finding a beautiful bride for his bashful buddy Charlie, the homeliest and loneliest man in the West. He gives Josh a list of the beautiful women in town that are suitable - to him.

1gmku2vovqgillfvejnebzd1zyv 2x4 – Episode 4

Josh in a federal prison plotting the great escape? The government employs Randall to portray an escaped prisoner in order to trick his cellmate into leading authorities to the $50,000 he stole and stashed away in a secret location.

Yg2wwi2lw1ivuke1hqqg6xe4w7w 2x5 – Episode 5

Randall finds his prey in the hands of a lynch mob wiping out his bounty. After Randall rescues Jake Pringle from the lynch mob's rope, he learns he's not the only one with a vested interest in keeping the killer alive.

Jkjmzths5uszrnbahvm7eq2mllv 2x6 – Episode 6

Who needs enemies with friends like the residents of Rogue City, who celebrate Randall for bringing in notorious killer Jumbo Kane, but just as quickly turn on Josh when Kane breaks loose and demands a hostage to ensure his escape.

Ufvrwqnmlv8orzv4tehgmmzsitu 2x7 – Episode 7

Randall is rooked out of his bounty by crafty criminal Hunt Willis and his accomplice. Not one to accept defeat, Josh turns detective to rout the outlaws, his investigation dogged by the suspicious sheriff, a cousin to Willis.

Oeglkt2uackzlkqnzfz7qptxmr0 2x8 – Episode 8

Against better judgment after losing a quick draw contest and bet, Josh serves as guide for a dandified East Coast gun salesman who comes west to retrieve and replace a defective gun he sold to notorious outlaw Curly Bill Brocius.

Wishctlpecr0zp2iipqgh69mytb 2x9 – Episode 9

On the trail of a Cavalry deserter and the horses he stole, Josh rides into a town ruled as the private fiefdom of its autocratic, psychopathic marshal who is holding the horses and deserter. He wants a ransom from Josh for them.

Zjtizuvyjwa6sblecjaofqmldgd 2x10 – Episode 10

Hired by a father to bring back the man who killed his son Josh is surprised when he doesn't get paid because he brought the man back alive. He pursues the matter to make sure that the father's hate isn't allowed to kill an innocent man.

Hoxeertda9w5yrwpllt74y8pywr 2x11 – Episode 11

Josh must bring a man back for murder. He has to outwit the man's nephew and men bent on claiming the bounty. Josh must prove to the nephew that he can be trusted to get his uncle back to stand trial for a crime committed in self-defense.

I7cnrkobiqxh692qsvrrdaa9fut 2x12 – Episode 12

Josh brings a wanted man in to the Mesa City Sheriff, only to find he killed the sheriff's brother. Josh decides to join the sheriff and prisoner on the trip to take the man to Crazy Horse for trial but along the way the man escapes.

S2rcxxrmb4irkoivqhvjubglm42 2x13 – Episode 13

Josh is looking for a man who, while trying to rob a bank, is bitten by a rabid dog. He learns the law wanted him originally to lead them to his outlaw brother. Josh ends up captured by them but they don't believe him about the rabies.

Bsqtqk8oafelxmvjnf9ufei0dmh 2x14 – Episode 14

A man shoots his brother over ownership of their property and blames it on an Indian who reclaimed his horse the man found and stole. He then ups the bounty on the Indian to push Josh to find the Indian to "hide" the evidence.

Pehic4a0sztaxrtopy2q582jhi7 2x15 – Episode 15

Josh is captured by a corrupt deputy and is forced by the sheriff to work on a chain gang in a gold mine. He learns the mine owner and staff keep the men imprisoned by adding to their sentences every time they break the rules.

1baesmo116hcav0qpax7bln3nzn 2x16 – Episode 16

Randall is tracking an escape artist who is forced to distract a town, letting three guys rob the bank. When Randall catches them, he turns them over to the sheriff, but they escape. Therefore, Randall must track him down again.

2ekuexacxfutb9oygjtvn6dajqi 2x17 – Episode 17

Josh plays detective when he signs on to help an amnesiac discover his identity. The first clue is when Josh must kill a man trying to kill Josh's client who has a telegram on him that may indicate Josh's client is wanted.

O1oznxl7d7frsyh4u5aexqyxk2z 2x18 – Episode 18

After watching her father stabbed to death, a grieving daughter wants immediate justice rather than wait for the slower-moving wheels of justice. She vows to bring vengeance upon the man who murdered her father that Josh also wanted.

8x2yfkfil3p40rlmconftapriz6 2x19 – Episode 19

Josh is determined to debunk the dire menace posed by a marauding monster that has smashed mining camps, decimated an Indian village and that has the residents of nearby Nugget City hiding behind locked doors.

3thkwhipa6ddwbea8tw2zl1ql64 2x20 – Episode 20

Josh, down on his luck, hires out for $100/day to find a woman - one catch is she may be dead. A man wants Josh to help find his fiancé who was last heard from at Hogan but the people there refuse to divulge what happened to her.

6gjujwmjg8sy0myhenyx809umwq 2x21 – Episode 21

Josh brings in "Doc" Phillips hoping he can lure Clell Fanning out as he has an old score to settle with Clell. He is shot by one of Clell's henchman and he must rely on the deputy, Jason Nichols, who takes over after the Sheriff is killed.

Gqgmwzfzkk85pqybzxl5dnjcfpd 2x22 – Episode 22

Josh is arrested on a bogus horse-stealing charge. Jason shows up to get him out of jail and a proposal for the two of them to work together. Together they kill 3 brothers wanting revenge against Josh for killing their brother.

6rzgamzkx9rsjvjmbyaeefhsmc5 2x23 – Episode 23

To net a thousand-dollar reward and save a friend, Josh saves Tolliver Bender from a hanging so he can testify in a nearby trial. Double-crosses are immediately hatched by those who want Tolliver dead and by those who want the money.

6nacwqfhyruxdyx6sygo2iifbhc 2x24 – Episode 24

An attractive woman hires Josh for $1000 to clear her father on a false murder charge in a town that is not very welcoming to Josh. Meanwhile, the real killer who tried to run Josh out of town hires Jason to kill Josh for $100.

Wwtlwivlxspn1brslf40v7nevi 2x25 – Episode 25

Josh and Jason are hired to chase a killer who went to Mexico by his brother who is about to hang for a crime his brother committed. There they meet a barmaid with a different perspective among the less than helpful residents.

8xcshzz0x5zbutr0anpgx9cqevt 2x26 – Episode 26

Josh and Jason are on the trail of a karate expert accused of killing his employer. However, his karate ability puts Josh on the sidelines with a broken rib while Jason takes over to track him but hopefully with a healthy respect for him.

Xhds8g8cdef1foo0jb6v3ls7yap 2x27 – Episode 27

Randall learns "hate comes high" in a town whose people have hired a trio of killers to murder their fellow resident Randy Holleran, a sniveling drunkard whom Josh can't stand but has promised his father to protect.

8obd62fkx8payovw3s9tmovxlkg 2x28 – Episode 28

Josh captures a wanted recruit and returns him to the Army, but the Captain at an encampment refuses to pay the bounty as he has another use for the trooper. The Colonel at an Army post drafts Josh to stop the mentally unstable officer.

Y80o3377lxjsio3yi9zglu7ma9g 2x29 – Episode 29

Josh and Jason track down a fugitive in Texas wanted for murder in Arizona who they find is also sought by his wife who claims he is innocent. When Josh catches the outlaw, he asks to avoid his wife but then escapes from Josh.

42axkipp0msl9xhvqaqwwbivodg 2x30 – Episode 30

A dying man offers Josh $2000 to find his son, who ran away from home 15 years ago. The only real identification is a broach the boy took from his mother. Josh follows the trail to a deputy who believes he knows the missing man.

Qvxyioa6lbfsgd8opnmmplxmuyh 2x31 – Episode 31

Josh and Jason are escorting four prisoners - three men and one woman - to Leavenworth prison when a stranger begins following along behind asking to travel with the group for protection from the Pawnee Indians but Josh refuses.

Udwslbnn5azphc8dm4imqmnwr2u 2x32 – Episode 32

Josh is summoned for help when the Pinto bank is robbed. The citizens of Pinto are in a lynching mood although the owner says he has enough gold in other banks to cover everyone's deposits as Josh is sent to bring the new money.


Josh Randall (Steve McQueen) ist kein typischer raubeiniger Kopfgeldjäger im Wilden Westen. Er ist ein vollendeter Gentleman, der immer die Hälfte (und manchmal auch alles) seines wohlverdienten Geldes aus Nächstenliebe an die Armen gibt. Er ist kein Mann der vielen Worte und – ganz anders als die anderen Kopfgeldjäger – trägt er eine 1892er Winchester an seinem Gürtel, ein verkürztes Gewehr, das er liebevoll „Mare's Leg“ nennt. Und so begibt er sich auf unvergessliche, klassische Westernabenteuer…


Steve McQueen ist ohne Zweifel ein unbeschreiblicher Hollywood-Held: Immerhin hat der blonde Sunnyboy bereits vor allen anderen das jungendliche Gefühl des Coolseins gekonnt auf die Leinwand gebracht und ist bis heute der Inbegriff dieses Stils. Und so spielte er sich mit Filmen wie "Bullitt", "Getaway", "Die glorreichen Sieben" oder "Gesprengte Ketten" in die Herzen der Fans. Stets mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen, einem lockeren Spruch sowie einer unbeschreiblichen Art des Frohseins, war er der Chris Pine, Bradley Cooper oder Ryan Gosling der 60er und 70er Jahre. Hinter der Fassade steckte jedoch viel mehr: McQueen war im Kern ein fantastischer Schauspieler, der jede Rolle zu meistern wusste ("Papillon"). Doch was die wenigsten wissen: Seine Karriere begann McQueen, wie viele andere Schauspieler der damaligen Zeit, mit einer Western-Serie. Und dank der Mühen von STUDIOCANAL (die die Serie auf DVD mit grandioser Qualität neu aufgelegt haben) gibt es nun endlich die Chance, jenen Anfang zu bestaunen, der Steve McQueen erst als Seriendarsteller und dann dank Regisseur John Sturges ("Die glorreichen Sieben") auch als Kinomagnet berühmt machte. Doch auch abseits davon, ist "Josh: Der Kopfgeldjäger" (OT: "Wanted: Dead or Alive") ein Erlebnis, welches gerade Fans nicht verpassen sollten.

Denn die Serie rund um den herzensguten Kopfgeldjäger Josh, zählt neben "Cowboys", "26 Men", "Maverick" sowie "Rauchende Colts" zu den besten Western-Serien der damaligen Zeit. Und das liegt vor allem daran, dass die Serie weitestgehend auf gängige Klischees verzichtete. Zwar ist auch hier noch die romantische Vorstellung der 50er Jahre nicht verkennbar (daher sind die Rollen Gut und Böse klar verteilt), doch die Geschichten von "Josh: Der Kopfgeldjäger" sind angenehm anders. So ist Josh keineswegs der gnadenlose Kopfgeldjäger, wie er später von Regisseur Sergio Corbucci so zynisch wie düster in "Leichen pflastern seinen Weg" gezeichnet wurde, sondern viel eher jemand, der gerne hilft. Und daher dient der Steckbrief nicht nur dazu, um Josh ständig auf die gleiche Jagd zu schicken, sondern auch um einmal Familienschwierigkeiten zu lösen, alte Probleme aus der Vergangenheit zu bewältigen, jemanden Unschuldigen zu retten oder gar Notleidenden zu helfen. Geld ist  für Josh, trotz seines ständigen Glücksspiels, nicht so wichtig wie stringente Gerechtigkeit. Und mehr als einmal gibt Josh darum gerne sein Kopfgeld ab, um so den Kleineren und Hilflosen zu helfen. Während dadurch die einzelnen Episoden, die jeweils eine angenehme Länge von gerade einmal 25 Minuten haben, stets unterschiedlich ausfallen, gibt es viele Überraschungen, die selbst heute noch erstaunlich differenziert ausfallen. Mehr als nur einmal, endet eine Episode anders, als es der Zuschauer zu Beginn erwartet.

Doch auch Abseits der typischen Western-Geschichten, die alles abdecken was das Genre-Herz begehrt, gibt es in "Josh: Der Kopfgeldjäger" einiges zu bestaunen. Dies fängt bei den recht imposanten (trotz Studio) wie detailreichen Kulissen an und endet bei den vielen Nebenrollen, die teils hochkarätige Namen beinhalten. Von James Coburn, Warren Oates, James Best, Ralph Meeker sowie vielen mehr, gibt es immer einmal wieder große Namen, die hier teils selber noch ihr Debüt feiern. Interessant ist zudem die Figur des Josh selbst. Leichtfüßig, mit lockeren Klamotten, einem recht frechem Auftreten und einer mehr als ungewöhnlichen Waffe, ist dabei die Rolle perfekt auf Steve McQueen zugeschnitten. Hier kann McQueen zum ersten Mal zeigen, wie stark er eine kraftvolle Leinwand-Präsenz besitzt. Es macht einfach Spaß dem Kopfgeldjäger Josh bei seinen Abenteuern (trotz des heute eher belächelten schwarz-weiß) zu folgen. Für Western-Fans ist daher die Serie nicht nur Pflicht, sondern zeugt auch, wie der Übergang des romantischen amerikanischen Western hin zum blutigen wie brachialen Italo-Western ausgesehen hat. Eben ein Stück Fernsehgeschichte, welches es nun digital bearbeitet mit einem grandiosen Bild gibt, sodass sich gerade jetzt der Kauf mehr als lohnt. Einzig schade ist, dass die englische Tonspur keine Untertitel bietet.


Trotz des Alters, der romantischen Inszenierung des Genres sowie der kurzen Episoden-Laufzeit, ist selbst heute noch "Josh: Der Kopfgeldjäger" eine interessante wie äußerst charmante Western-Serie, die gerade durch Steve McQueen ein absolutes Erlebnis darstellt. Für Fans gerade daher ein Pflichtkauf. Und dank STUDIOCANAL gibt es nun die erste Staffel mit 36 Episoden in perfekter Qualität zu bestaunen.

Kritik: Thomas Repenning

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