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1x0 – An Unearthly Child (Pilot)

Schoolteachers Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright follow mysterious pupil Susan Foreman to her home - a police box in a junk yard - and meet her grandfather the Doctor.

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Gejkm80sjyzig5xnwonrhikkbrf 1x1 – Das Kind von den Sternen

London, 1963 Die Lehrer Ian Chesterton und Barbara Wright sind über das Verhalten einer ihrer Schülerin, Susan Foreman, verblüfft. Ihre Kenntnisse in Wissenschaft und Geschichte übertreffen ihre, dennoch scheint sie viele Aspekte des Alltags nicht zu kennen. Sie folgen ihr zu ihrer Wohnadresse, einem Schrottplatz mit einer Polizeitelefonzelle, und treffen dort auf ihren Großvater, den rätselhaften Doktor. Als sie sich an ihm vorbei in die Notrufzelle drängen, wird Susans Geheimnis gelüftet: Sie und der Doktor sind Außerirdische, und die Polizeitelefonzelle ist eine Zeitmaschine, die TARDIS, die jeden Punkt im Universum zu jedem Zeitpunkt besuchen kann…

Gesehen von 14 Usern

Svg8cutdkvvnqajkwp6vd999aho 1x2 – Die Schädelhöhle

Erde, 100.000 v. Der rätselhafte Doktor, der befürchtet, dass die Lehrer Ian Chesterton und Barbara Wright den Menschen auf der Erde des 20. Jahrhunderts seine Geheimnisse enthüllen werden, hat sie und seine Enkelin Susan in die Anfänge der Menschheitsgeschichte zurückversetzt. Dort werden die vier Reisenden in die wilde Politik eines Stammes von Höhlenmenschen hineingezogen, die das Geheimnis des Feuermachens verloren haben…

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8kshthm5myot0whuzwo3zebzhkk 1x3 – Der Wald der Angst

Als Gefangene der frühesten Menschen wird die TARDIS-Crew in ein tödliches Machtspiel um die Führung des Stammes verwickelt.

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Cekmnrvntmems5u1lz6derfl6ru 1x4 – Der Feuermacher

Die TARDIS-Crew muss Feuer machen, damit die frühen Menschen am Leben bleiben. Aber sobald sie es tun, dürfen sie möglicherweise nicht mehr gehen!

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J72wf17iadfpoqlopk7dcnsy8hw 1x5 – Der tote Planet

Zeit unbekannt, Planet unbekannt. Die TARDIS landet in einem unheimlichen versteinerten Wald mit Blick auf eine prächtige Stahlstadt. Der Doktor will die Stadt erkunden – doch was wartet dort?

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Gjltkmlpy0garaaindcaihcjb7x 1x6 – Die Überlebenden

Der tote Planet ist doch nicht bewohnt. Der Doktor ist im Begriff, seinen größten Feinden zu begegnen. Während dessen sterben er und seine Mitreisenden an Strahlenkrankheit.

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Imhbh4xp810ay06egdugq1nkovg 1x7 – Die Flucht

Auf Skaro, eingesperrt von den intriganten Daleks, arbeiten der Doktor und seine Gefährten daran, ihren Fängen zu entkommen.

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7as1soj53jqc5cxua2qq7e35dq2 1x8 – Der Hinterhalt

Die Zeitreisenden arbeiten verzweifelt daran, der Stadt der Daleks zu entkommen und ein blutiges Massaker zu verhindern.

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Oqy5iqmprf43jd31utrsi5omyw0 1x9 – Die Expedition

Die Zeitreisenden sind den Daleks entkommen, haben aber ein wichtiges Stück der TARDIS zurückgelassen. Es zurückzubekommen bedeutet, die Thals zu einer gefährlichen Operation zu drängen.

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Pttje298agnazcys2s0bgagguyv 1x10 – Die Feuerprobe

Ian, Barbara und die Thals kämpfen sich durch die Höhlen, um die Stadt der Daleks zu erreichen. Werden sie rechtzeitig dort ankommen? Gibt es überhaupt einen Weg durch die tückischen Höhlen? Und was planen die Daleks?

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X2omc7wr8cbmdxvuftznf6mdpzd 1x11 – Die Rettung

Die Zeit läuft davon, als der Doktor und seine Gefährten versuchen, die Daleks zu besiegen, bevor sie alles Leben auf Skaro auslöschen.

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Jkrvadp2y9cn0snxroyuia1qvii 1x12 – Am Rande der Vernichtung

Eine mysteriöse Explosion hat die TARDIS ins Leere geschleudert. Und in ihrer Verwirrung beschuldigen sich die Zeitreisenden gegenseitig.

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1eghgmp9khcwpjtanoxjs9cpvth 1x13 – An der Schwelle des Unheils

Die TARDIS treibt umher, die Crew geht gegeneinander an. Nur gemeinsam können sie ihren Weg finden, bevor sie zerstört werden.

Gesehen von 11 Usern

Toqrq2odkwpnmfsnegptzlezow 1x14 – Episode 14

The TARDIS arrives on Earth in the 13th century, where it is claimed by famed explorer Marco Polo as a gift for his employer, Kublai Khan. Polo hopes to finally buy his way out of the Khan's service - but if he succeeds, the Doctor and his friends will never be able to get back to their Ship ever again... (Originally broadcast in seven parts.)

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K6jrjzjzfvezupc2xkknxnqlru 1x15 – Episode 15

Tegana sabotages the party's water bags, leaving them in dire need of fresh supplies.

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Xtgwkjcgl7id26clubgtdq77cnp 1x16 – Episode 16

The Doctor and Susan are able to supply Marco with condensation that has formed inside the TARDIS, saving the group from dying of thirst.When the group are reunited with Tegana, the travelers begin to suspect he is up to something.

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Yaa0cvfwve5b3lwr087lmxoamut 1x17 – Episode 17

The Doctor's group manage to rescue Barbara from the Mongols but once more Marco remains unaware of Tegana's involvement.

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A8go9qvsmpih5fth4on3l79oql9 1x18 – Episode 18

The Doctor and his friends elect to warn Marco of Acomat's attack even though it means losing their chance to gain access to the TARDIS.

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1e2igqq2cg4ovnvamqqktezb4ts 1x19 – Episode 19

The Doctor, Ian and Barbara are forced to surrender to Tegana and Marco, leaving both of them the opportunity to gain possession of the TARDIS.

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Fnylgcxpgx6m4bfmwxnm721ztqu 1x20 – Episode 20

Tegana finally makes his move to assassinate the Khan, giving the Doctor and his friends an opportunity to thwart his plans and regain the TARDIS.

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Wzbbvcge1zrtlxyixksjed8isis 1x21 – Episode 21

On the planet Marinus, the Doctor and his companions are enlisted by Arbitan to seek out the keys to an ancient and powerful machine. Their quest takes them across time and space; will they be able to return the keys before Marinus falls under the control of the alien Voord? (Originally broadcast in six parts.)

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Nbexmsffdjstgftx1opayjfhbb 1x22 – Episode 22

The Doctor and his friends arrive in the apparently idyllic city of Morphoton but Barbara soon begins to realise there is more to their hosts than meets the eye.

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7vnaqdnjf2g3oin3gzivcz3vz0i 1x23 – Episode 23

The search for the second key takes the travellers to a jungle where Ian and Barbara come under threat from rapidly growing plants.

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Evnbo505folrvgtvjktnhuitgev 1x24 – Episode 24

Searching for the third key, Ian and Barbara meet with the sinister trapper Vasor before following Susan and the others into a cave system guarded by the mysterious Ice Soldiers.

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1odeeeqyx2oncpgsdrwtygxvuaw 1x25 – Episode 25

The group are reunited with the Doctor in the city of Millennius where Ian faces trial for murder after the fourth key is stolen.

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Xb0ibs7oukzinkf7n7awjinnnn1 1x26 – Episode 26

The Doctor and his friends must locate the real murderers and the fourth key before heading off for a final confrontation with the Voord.

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Lbqx2zjpreapjwzhzbzzqjtyezi 1x27 – Episode 27

The TARDIS arrives on Earth landing in 16th century Aztec society. Barbara goes off exploring - despite the Doctor's orders not to wander off - and is taken away by the high priest Autloc who believes she is the reincarnation of the goddess Yetaxa. They believe it is a sign that the rains - which are late - will now come. The high priest of sacrifice Tlotoxl recruits Ian to lead their army but he finds he has a rival in Ixta. Ian is less than comfortable with his role when he learns that they are to deliver the human sacrifice to the high priest at the rain ceremony. The Doctor emphasizes that they must not interfere with Aztec rituals, something that does not sit well with Barbara.

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1qxjmoxinaorwq3wxduhuzs3v0a 1x28 – Episode 28

Barbara tries to change the course of history - and Ian fights for his life.

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Tf6zkamp9jksot4nfq6gm7f4dfe 1x29 – Episode 29

While the Doctor tries to find a way back to the TARDIS, Tlotoxl continues to plot Barbara's downfall and sees an opening when Susan questions Aztec custom.

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Ad8fpwvoepwh04zsf216hyozlfr 1x30 – Episode 30

Tlotoxl's machinations result in both Susan and Ian being arrested.With the TARDIS once again trapped inside the tomb, the travelers' only hope for escape lies with Autloc and Cameca.

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Eiwfrmqo3ltktqgdsybkqvonng6 1x31 – Episode 31

The TARDIS arrives aboard a spaceship that has been captured by the Sensorites, a hearing-sensitive alien race. The Sensorites are dying, and the Doctor finds himself forced to investigate the origin of the mysterious illness. (Originally broadcast in six parts.)

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Q83udinhcayr93vocf8vgxwsr3o 1x32 – Episode 32

The ship has been boarded by the Sensorites and the race is on to retrieve Susan and Barbara before they can find them.

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Xfc9qjuggoneuufl3xvxncgyoag 1x33 – Episode 33

The Doctor, Susan and Ian agree to accompany the Sensorites to their home planet in the hope of finding a cure for John. But not everyone is willing to welcome them there.

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9btlc1xdfgrbl9gdrxy4mpbjcvd 1x34 – Episode 34

With Ian having fallen victim to the Sensorites' plague, the Doctor is desperate to find a cure. But the City Administrator is still determined to rid his world of aliens.

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Qft7yq0ukdkzrvpzhod392pppe5 1x35 – Episode 35

The City Administrator is determined to destroy the Doctor and his friends and his paranoia prevents the Doctor's cure from being distributed.

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B2oq2vulm6i2cqbqhawqpeeoahw 1x36 – Episode 36

While the City Administrator's schemes reach their climax, the Doctor and Ian venture into the tunnels under the city to discover the real cause of the Sensorite plague.

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Zrbykeia7wcnx13kgpdlrvm6usu 1x37 – Episode 37

The TARDIS lands during the French Revolution, where Ian, Barbara, and Susan become caught up in the politics of the day. When they are arrested and set to be executed, the Doctor must take on the disguise of a public official to try and save their lives. (Originally broadcast in six parts.)

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Hxvliwkpfdj1a5oxqrheaofpdey 1x38 – Episode 38

Susan, Ian and Barbara are sentenced to be guillotined but an encounter with a dying English prisoner may offer Ian a chance of survival.

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E3pzn5na1h5wufzyswjrru0w885 1x39 – Episode 39

Susan and Barbara are rescued by Jules and Jean, two members of the escape chain, while the Doctor gains access to the prison by posing as a revolution official.

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8w65cl6ckbnh8m4mahudo6ap1ex 1x40 – Episode 40

The Doctor is forced into a meeting with Robespierre while Barbara's attempts to find a physician for Susan result in them being betrayed.

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B130n367nccshdgxvjzyvkrykhc 1x41 – Episode 41

Ian finds himself held prisoner by the treacherous Leon while the Doctor attempts to engineer Susan and Barbara's escape.

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Pvkrn0lldlch8scrh5zjz8j45kq 1x42 – Episode 42

Ian finally delivers his message to James Stirling but in order to secure Susan's release he and Barbara are forced into a dangerous spying mission.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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