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Szf2jyqtwwzz4medookmytedght 6x1 – Episode 1

The TARDIS arrives on the planet Dulkis where the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie decide to have a quiet holiday. Only to find the Evil Dominators and their robotic slaves, The Quarks have arrived on a radioactive island, where they plan to detonate a bomb in the planet's core, which will turn the entire planet as source of radioactive fuel for their invasion fleet.

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W1hm868grjq7pglvrrzz7zarv7l 6x2 – Episode 2

The Doctor and Jamie are captured by the Dominators, who subject them to an intelligence test, while Zoe and Cully attempt to convince the Dulcian council of the threat.

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29tt9k08aer11clmlxowmauakri 6x3 – Episode 3

Zoe and Cully are captured by the Dominators and put to work alongside the survey team while the Doctor and Jamie decide to return to the island to help.

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Ho9ricdhgwmgbexztjt4fmtxwfw 6x4 – Episode 4

The Doctor and Zoe are interrogated by Rago, who is planning to present his terms to the Dulcian council, while Jamie and Cully try to find a way to strike back against the Quarks.

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Hsl5ujagut8pm50phuyubqwjunc 6x5 – Episode 5

Jamie and Cully manage to rescue the Doctor's party and together they try to find a way to stop the Dominators before they destroy the entire planet.

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H14h9ds3coj8dkdl1ndplvlb0gw 6x6 – Episode 6

The TARDIS arrives in a white void after making an emergency escape from the volcanic eruption on Dulkis.

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Ywmlclzantshr43wn4nvmdodpsx 6x7 – Episode 7

With the TARDIS destroyed, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find themselves in a strange forest patrolled by mysterious soldiers.

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A5pait9fquxrli1ixycsl5bf1ff 6x8 – Episode 8

The Doctor realises that the travelers are trapped in a world where fiction is real and where creatures are a threat if people believe in them.

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Isgclm3dx6pdxhqgrkycg2zxzz 6x9 – Episode 9

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe reach the citadel at the centre of the land, where they finally encounter the Master of the Land of Fiction.

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1l0oq4mpfthxe9utpelk4kssrc7 6x10 – Episode 10

With Jamie and Zoe having been turned into fiction, the Doctor must find a way to save them without suffering the same fate or becoming part of the Master Brain.

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X6ni7enwmchzqrahghehioykpy 6x11 – Episode 11

The Doctor and the newly formed UNIT must stop an invasion by Cybermen and a sinister industrialist who is in league with them.

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Lodza9r5hpmeyqx0oeqdmcdltik 6x12 – Episode 12

The Doctor and Jamie are taken prisoner by their mysterious observers and have a reunion with an old friend while Zoe and Isobel carry out their own investigation of IE.

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Ode0zteqq4zigt5pmjrwe1kmgqw 6x13 – Episode 13

The Doctor and Jamie return to the IE factory in search of Zoe and Isobel, where they meet with Professor Watkins and fall foul of Vaughn.

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Rpjdxt8u2yvc4mbvn0kgyba1vdo 6x14 – Episode 14

The Doctor and Jamie enlist the help of UNIT to rescue Zoe and Isobel before trying to find out what Vaughn is really up to.

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1nzmui3vy9hiroltt7vwo6ec0ew 6x15 – Episode 15

The Doctor and Jamie tell the Brigadier about the Cybermen but with Rutledge under Vaughn's control he is powerless to act.

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Bphpqppny8s0mjvk4eukeytg51s 6x16 – Episode 16

Captain Turner manages to rescue Jamie and the others, while the Doctor begins working on a way to protect everyone from the Cybermen's hypno-sound signal.

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Kgx87ebgo6yyq8zvgvbqryrfcuv 6x17 – Episode 17

With the entire world unconscious apart from the Doctor and his friends, the Cybermen are poised to invade and only Zoe, the Brigadier and a missile crew can stop them.

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Tty4ifgthxwqakcvxtu3oclba0r 6x18 – Episode 18

The Cybermen are here to take over the world, and for the first time, UNIT are here to deal with the threats of a global invasion of a very alien and robotic kind. With locations shots of a nineteen sixties London to enhance realism and a new and fresh, contemporary look for the Cybermen, these episodes were considered a landmark and turning point in the Doctor Who franchise that has a sinister industrialist working in league with the dreaded Cybermen. It is now up to the Doctor and the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce to thwart their plans in eight new exciting and action filled chapters'.

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Gmd5iqw49eyfrzukqepz9nibrj0 6x19 – Episode 19

The TARDIS lands on a nameless desolate planet where The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe learn the native Gonds are ruled by the mysterious and unseen Krotons, where The Krotons chooses their top students to join The Krotons in their machine as their companions. But The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe discover The Krotons are crystalline alien beings and are turning The Gonds mental power into energy and are feeding off it.

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Ke1z6dihggvsaum271ahjvtj2x6 6x20 – Episode 20

Zoe is selected as a companion for the Krotons and the Doctor insists on joining her.

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Vfix7rf11pzqwajsxac2s7txxdw 6x21 – Episode 21

Jamie is held prisoner by the Krotons who intend to recapture the Doctor and Zoe for their mental energy.

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Iy5p4oys6vydxqqno6wi5lyymoq 6x22 – Episode 22

Selris succeeds in drawing the Krotons out of the Dynatrope but Eelek agrees to hand the Doctor and Zoe over to them in return for their leaving the planet.

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Wxfbdl46aca67ondgkq5hwjn0ik 6x23 – Die Saat des Todes - Teil 1

Die Erde des 21. Jahrhunderts ist vollständig vom T-Mat-Transportsystem abhängig, aber das Kontrollzentrum auf dem Mond funktioniert nicht mehr. Währenddessen treffen der Doktor, Jamie und Zoe auf den einen Mann, der die Krise lösen kann.

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Qkruaj4gshkhvsgtmcbkakmdhh9 6x24 – Die Saat des Todes - Teil 2

Eldred willigt ein, eine Rakete für die Reise zum Mond zu liefern, und der Doktor, Jamie und Zoe melden sich freiwillig, um sie zu bemannen.

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Ub2t8s6cwzz7qg6wsqqif96zcxq 6x25 – Die Saat des Todes - Teil 3

Der Doktor, Jamie und Zoe schaffen es zum Mond und schließen sich mit Phipps zusammen, aber die Eiskrieger haben die Kontrolle über T-mat erlangt.

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Xzlbjs2jutb1odess8vziwvn11h 6x26 – Die Saat des Todes - Teil 4

Die Samenkapseln der Eiskrieger beginnen sich auf der ganzen Welt zu materialisieren, während Slaar beschließt, den Doktor zu töten, indem er ihn mit einer T-Matte ins All befördert.

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Gkwiwa3tlthm3b3qdrsqo7rb3sb 6x27 – Die Saat des Todes - Teil 5

Der Doktor und seine Verbündeten schaffen es, über T-Mat zur Erde zurückzukehren, nur um festzustellen, dass der Eiskrieger die Wetterkontrollstation angegriffen hat.

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46tx7ld5lnc0g4ss5kta5x0rnyw 6x28 – Die Saat des Todes - Teil 6

Der Doktor schafft es, einen Regensturm zu erzeugen, um den Marspilz zu zerstören, bevor er versucht, einen Weg zu finden, die Invasionsflotte der Eiskrieger zu stoppen.

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4dyfed3ewsfctny5zhzvfms8fxs 6x29 – Episode 29

Space beacons are being destroyed by pirates, who are salvaging the argonite metal. When the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on one of the beacons, they are mistaken for pirates.

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77hgagxtfamcyuytcfgtgs0jaac 6x30 – Episode 30

With the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe trapped on a beacon segment, Hermack becomes suspicious of the unruly prospector Milo Clancey.

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E51x1rii2vdowyrz24cvchgwpjs 6x31 – Episode 31

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe flee from the Space Corps with Clancey, who decides to seek refuge on Ta.

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Wxgw2ujrfhyldyvafkmqfazzs8w 6x32 – Episode 32

The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are held prisoner by the space pirates while Caven comes up with a plan to throw suspicion onto Clancey.

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Hyrb1dywcsigrqh1wn8qop9vgk1 6x33 – Episode 33

Madeleine is revealed to be working with Caven, who comes up with a way to kill the Doctor and his friends whilst framing them for the piracy.

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Daf71t7lxrkqxeowkrogf7x9y34 6x34 – Episode 34

With Clancey and Issigri trapped aboard the LIZ, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe try to convince Madeleine to help them before Caven destroys Ta.

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Nwyflmpu7xu7lchhynocrdbtnd9 6x35 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 1

Der Doktor, Jamie und Zoe erkennen, dass sie in den Schützengräben des Ersten Weltkriegs angekommen sind, wo der finstere General Smythe sie der Spionage beschuldigt.

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K40lakvdieial1fkymnnpburloj 6x36 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 2

Dem Doktor und Zoe gelingt die Flucht von Ransom und versuchen, Jamie aus dem Militärgefängnis zu retten.

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7q59ddkdft6gg5h4vf7kdku1ttw 6x37 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 3

Der Doktor und seine Freunde erkennen, dass das Gebiet in verschiedene Zeitzonen unterteilt ist und beschließen eine Karte von Smythe zu erhalten.

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E9qm0evluo0wjgibd62iureobaq 6x38 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 4

Der Doktor und Zoe werden in das Kontrollzentrum der Kriegsspiele transportiert, während Jamie und Lady Jennifer mit Soldaten der amerikanischen Revolution in Konflikt geraten.

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3dfqdqitnbuq00ltksavmtjtooe 6x39 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 5

Der Doktor versucht, Zoe und Carstairs zu retten, während Jaime und Lady Jennifer versuchen, den Widerstand von der wahren Natur von Von Weich und den anderen zu überzeugen.

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2rwlqqfppztdsuiybyrd05i3fbn 6x40 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 6

Der Wissenschaftler untersucht die gefangenen Widerstandskämpfer und stellt fest, dass Jamie ein Neuankömmling auf dem Planeten ist, während der Doktor, Zoe und Carstairs versuchen, ihre Freunde zu retten.

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Q8x8akgmqcaxsakyvzxtbsb3c3i 6x41 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 7

Der Doktor, Jamie und Carstairs schaffen es, in die Zone von 1917 zurückzukehren, nur um von Smythe gefangen genommen zu werden, der die Hinrichtung des Doktors anordnet.

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Hzfpbimpvu08hgclrk12phk4sac 6x42 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 8

Der Doktor und die Verarbeitungsmaschine wurden von den Aliens mitgenommen, aber der Widerstand plant, das Kontrollzentrum anzugreifen.

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A5tnu4qzbeej6tlctc4okbsp9a 6x43 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 9

Um seine Loyalität gegenüber den Aliens zu beweisen, wird dem Doktor befohlen, seine Freunde erneut zu verurteilen, während der Sicherheitschef endlich Beweise für den Verrat des Kriegschefs aufdeckt.

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Ugy1hkoit9larhmiespvq4o9wx1 6x44 – Kriegsspiele – Teil 10

Die TARDIS zieht es auf den Planeten der Time Lords, wo sowohl der Doctor als auch der War Lord vor Gericht gestellt werden.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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