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Ababhkwt8dzdb1pevhvkle3bzmg 8x1 – Episode 1

When a Nestene Energy Unit is stolen and a radio telescope sabotaged, the Doctor is contacted by a Time Lord who tells him his old rival the Master is responsible.

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Xuwmddn4xelnwrvnprlidh66gy 8x2 – Episode 2

Attempting to find out where Jo encountered the Master, the Doctor heads to the circus where he falls foul of Rossini.

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74ubouycf8ybujmh0b1kxx0yiuo 8x3 – Episode 3

The Doctor and the Brigadier head to Farrel's factory but the Master and the Autons have already left and are distributing plastic daffodils around the country.

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Mf8dkndtoxbr9cntvy4juayxyb4 8x4 – Episode 4

The Doctor discovers the plastic daffodils are designed to fire a spray that asphyxiates people, causing havoc prior to the Nestene's arrival, but before he can alert anyone he and Jo are captured by the Master.

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3gvfhuygkcfayuxgcyjcvigbxgv 8x5 – Die Maschine des Bösen - Teil 1

Der Doctor und Jo besuchen das Stangmoor-Gefängnis für eine Demonstration der Keller-Maschine - eine Vorrichtung, von der behauptet wird, dass man mit ihr die negativen Gefühle verurteilter Verbrecher extrahieren kann.

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32uc194vlqicd2k15lbhsiayq9o 8x6 – Die Maschine des Bösen - Teil 2

Der Doktor wird von UNIT zurückgerufen, um bei der Untersuchung des Mordes an Cheng-Tiek zu helfen. Er ist sich jedoch nicht bewusst, dass Chin-Lee unter der Kontrolle des Meisters steht.

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E0bl5pbivhdwaogatzthpiy6gez 8x7 – Die Maschine des Bösen - Teil 3

Als der Doktor erkennt, dass Chin-Lee die Kraft der Keller-Maschine verwendet hat, um Attentate durchzuführen, kehrt er nach Stangmoor zurück, nur um festzustellen, dass der Master sich mit Mailer zusammengetan hat, um einen weiteren Aufstand zu inszenieren.

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Bwbgqhiledar03qtmulxgtgzuoz 8x8 – Die Maschine des Bösen - Teil 4

Während der Doctor und Jo gefangen gehalten werden, überredet der Master Mailer, ihm zu helfen, den Thunderbolt zu stehlen.

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P9k7t9huo55idpitm6stxdski7j 8x9 – Die Maschine des Bösen - Teil 5

Der Doctor ist gezwungen, dem Master zu helfen, den Gedankenparasiten zu kontrollieren, während Yates herausfindet, wohin der Donnerkeil gebracht wurde, nur um von den Männern des Masters gefangen genommen zu werden.

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7bxlhql4rqfn9d1rjd4htd8innf 8x10 – Die Maschine des Bösen - Teil 6

Der Brigadier hat Stangmoor zurückerobert, aber der Master hat immer noch die Kontrolle über die Thunderbolt und der Doctor muss einen Weg finden, ihn aufzuhalten und die Keller-Maschine zu zerstören.

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Qnoebmhzssabsb9fxbfsfyjflqt 8x11 – Episode 11

When a mysterious object lands near the Nuton power complex, UNIT investigate and encounter the Axons, a group of aliens who offer the mineral axonite, which can duplicate matter, as a gift.

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Omphbpcplovkse7jzgg3514xx5s 8x12 – Episode 12

The Doctor and Winser begin to analyse axonite while Chinn plots to secure its use exclusively for Britain.

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Uv96zpfm9gpo1e3ppemymoz4eiz 8x13 – Episode 13

The Doctor and Jo are being held prisoner by Axos while Chinn is forced to organise the worldwide distribution of axonite and the Master returns to the power complex to try and steal the TARDIS.

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Fdi8kldqrv4fvkealqysqxqzsz9 8x14 – Episode 14

The Doctor and Jo escape from Axos but then the Doctor offers the Master a deal:if he helps him repair the TARDIS, they can flee Earth together.

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Cmz2roe0gxgio5qpytvnivc5byq 8x15 – Episode 15

The Time Lords take control of the TARDIS and the Doctor and Jo arrive on an Earth Colony in the 25th Century, where a ruthless mining company is using a dinosaur-like creature to force the colonists to leave the planet. The Doctor and Jo learn that The Master is on the planet and is in search of a doomsday weapon that is hidden somewhere on the planet.

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Jch97toho1ofkz29ftewcdbegj7 8x16 – Episode 16

The Doctor discovers an Interplanetary Mining Corporation ship has landed on the planet in order to mine its duralinium, while Norton begins causing trouble at the colony.

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Fhey4a8qdo0d0cnjt5p14euf0ww 8x17 – Episode 17

The Doctor makes it back to the colony and warns Ashe what Dent is up to but when Jo and Winton try to find proof they are captured.

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Wlvjxnv6rimrrjjvhczoqkrmoeb 8x18 – Episode 18

The Doctor descends into the Primitive city to try and find Jo while the colonists receive a visit from the Adjudicator.

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B07fpkunw5ckveenzsqhbmgb5wd 8x19 – Episode 19

The Master offers to help the colonists in exchange for information on the Primitive city and forces the Doctor to act as a guide by taking Jo hostage.

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4hkoosqxztf0ij2st8n5sdturph 8x20 – Episode 20

The Doctor and the Master are taken into the Primitive city, where the Master hopes to find the doomsday weapon, while Dent forces the colonists to leave the planet even though their ship is likely to explode.

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Bmwudfyihckqciuqrach6cudta 8x21 – Episode 21

The Doctor and Jo race to the village of Devil's End to prevent what the Doctor believes could be a disaster. With a midnight excavation due to take place, mysterious events are happening - not helped by the Reverend Magister.

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Ci1gkqbcgr4sslxqe9siv1gc6lc 8x22 – Episode 22

With the Doctor frozen by the energy release from the barrow, Jo calls Yates and Benton for help, but when the Brigadier tries to join them he finds the village surrounded by a heat barrier.

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35vvucrsh5toqhqqaqcet7h92wy 8x23 – Episode 23

The Doctor explains to his friends that the Master is trying to gain the power of the last of the Daemons, a race who influenced Earth's development, while the Master brings the rest of the village under his control.

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Akilb0sfkp2xxxcotimig5skbfp 8x24 – Episode 24

The Master orders Bert to set a trap for the Doctor at the village while a concussed Jo makes for the cavern.

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Ymvys19pnjgt8ev65epnovbb2e 8x25 – Episode 25

The Master decides to sacrifice Jo to Azal and when the Doctor and his friends try to intervene they come under attack from Bok.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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