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Lfg0ynhi7sjkpsv38a8cte96sqr 1x1 – Die Heimkehr

In Konoha ist in den letzten zweieinhalb Jahren offenbar alles seinen geregelten Gang gegangen – was sich nun vermutlich ändern wird, denn Naruto kehrt zusammen mit Jiraiya von ihrer Trainingsreise zurück. Überrascht stellt er fest, dass Konohamaru sich in der Zeit ganz schön weiter entwickelt hat, denn der Kleine beherrscht inzwischen das Sexy Jutsu. Doch Naruto findet das nicht mehr so spannend, denn auch er ist ein kleines Stück erwachsener geworden – leider nicht genug, um Sakura bei seiner Rückkehr ein Kompliment zu machen, was ihm gleich mal die erste Tracht Prügel einbringt. Also irgendwie alles anders, aber wie immer …

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Zbvj4ts4jjmqp6komnnlzbx6qij 1x2 – Und schon wieder Trainingsplatz 3

Tsunade teilt Naruto mit, dass er und Sakura sich einem Trainingskampf stellen sollen, damit sie sehen kann, wie die beiden sich entwickelt haben. Danach will sie über deren weitere Laufbahn entscheiden. Naruto glaubt erst, sein Gegner sei Shikamaru, doch es stellt sich heraus, dass es Kakashi ist, der gegen ihn und Sakura gleichzeitig antritt. Derweil hat Gaara, der inzwischen Kazekage ist, in seinem Dorf ein Problem, denn es scheint sich ein Verräter in den eigenen Reihen zu befinden, der möglicherweise mit der Akatsuki Organisation unter einer Decke steckt.

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Sdugltuov5rtu8kiotte1wfhb5z 1x3 – Trainingserfolge

Tsunade lässt Sakura und Naruto in einem Trainingskampf gegeneinander antreten und es wird tatsächlich spannend, denn die Beiden sind inzwischen sehr gut geworden und Kakashi muss sich richtig anstrengen. Derweil versucht Deidara, mittels eines riesigen Vogels in das Sand-Dorf einzudringen. Es gelingt ihm zwar, die Wachen außer Gefecht zu setzen, doch dann steht er direkt Gaara gegenüber …

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Fqb1hctm1siedy9t504h0aotcwa 1x4 – Die Jinchu-Kraft aus Suna-Gakure

Der Trainingskampf zwischen Sakura und Naruto auf der einen und Kakashi auf der anderen Seite geht weiter. Kakashi ist klar im Vorteil und fragt sich, ob er die Fortschritte seiner Schüler vielleicht zu früh gelobt hat. Naruto erinnert sich daran, dass Kakashi ihnen beigebracht, dass man die Schwachpunkte des Gegners herausfinden muss, doch Kakashi scheint keine zu haben … bis auf seine Leidenschaft für das ‚Flirtparadies‘ – und genau damit kriegen Sakura und Naruto ihn dran. Sie gewinnen. Derweil kämpft Gaara immer noch gegen Deidara, von dem immer noch niemand weiß, was er eigentlich in Suna-Gakure will.

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4xx6sfhntun3trmvtljimkfwpts 1x5 – Kazekage Gaara

Gaara wird von den Dorfbewohnern von Suna – Gakure inzwischen anerkannt. Ja, man sieht ihn dort mittlerweile sogar als große Stütze, nicht mehr als Sonderling. Seine Auseinandersetzungen mit Deidara verlaufen allerdings nicht immer gleich erfolgreich, auch wenn er mit seinem speziellen Sand, seiner ‚Absoluten Verteidigung‘, gewisse Vorteile zu haben scheint. Deidara hat seine eigene Kampfeskunst entwickelt und die scheint sehr wirkungsvoll zu sein. Tsunade hat mit Sakura, Naruto und Kakashi etwas Besonderes vor. Sie sollen als gleichwertige Mitglieder ein Team bilden, und auf Mission gehen.

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5m2xomouheekwrcogtewd1k2pow 1x6 – Endlich wieder Nudelsuppe!

Naruto kommt nach langer Zeit wieder in Ichirakus Nudelsuppenrestaurant, um seine geliebte Nudelsuppe zu essen. Er wird dort herzlich begrüßt und trifft Iraku wieder. Erinnerungen an früher werden wach. Tsunade macht sich Gedanken, auf welche Mission sie das neu gebildete Team Kakashi zuerst schicken soll, und der Kampf zwischen Gaara und Deidara wird dramatisch. Kann Gaara seinem Ruf als Garant für Sicherheit in Suna-Gakure gerecht werden?

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Pa9mn56lvyjkdfatm800sk1glco 1x7 – Lauf, Kankuro, lauf!

Das Dorf Suna-Gakure ist in Aufregung, weil Kazekage Gaara offensichtlich entführt wurde. Damit hatte keiner gerechnet. Kankuro möchte auf eigene Faust versuchen, Gaara zu befreien, aber Baki schickt ihm Verstärkung hinterher. Kankuro setzt sich ab und folgt den Spuren von Deidara und Sasori. Er kann sie tatsächlich stellen und fordert die beiden auf, Gaara frei zu geben. Die lassen sich aber nicht ohne weiteres darauf ein. In Konaha-Gakure gewinnt der Alltag inzwischen langsam wieder an Normalität. Es warten ja neue Missionen …

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Srf3kl6ioob4xejn9ka50utmzas 1x8 – Bereitmachen, Team Kakashi!

Während Tsunade das Team Kakashi auf eine neue – für Naruto äußerst läppische – Mission vorbereitet, kommt die Nachricht aus Suna-Garure, dass Kazekage Gaara entführt wurde. Sie ändert sofort ihre Pläne und schickt das Team los. Naruto findet das natürlich cool, aber Jiraya und Iruka machen sich so ihre Gedanken …

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Wucsaglacwklmkedumrwzf0czp8 1x9 – Verehrte Großmutter

In Suna-Gakure wird nach weiteren Fallen der Feinde gesucht. Man macht sich ernsthafte Gedanken um die Sicherheit im Dorf, und ob man nicht einen neuen Kazekage ernennen muss. Das stößt auf Widerstand von Baki und Kankuro. Das Team Kakashi ist noch unterwegs und trifft auf Temari. Sakura gesteht Naruto, dass sie in den letzten zweieinhalb Jahren viel Gelegenheit hatte, sich in Tsunades Bücherei Erkenntnisse über einige Personen anzueignen. Vor allem über Sasuke, Itachi und Orochimaru …

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3py3p4jbkbkhb8ccnrkfhnmddyy 1x10 – Die neun Siegel des Phantomdrachens

In den Kampf um das Leben Kankuros hat sich das Geschwisterpaar Chiyo und Ebizo eingeschaltet. Vor allem die Schwester erweckt Hoffnung, dass sie ein Gegengift entwickeln kann, aber dem ist nicht so. Nun geschieht das Schlimmste, was ihr passieren kann, sie muss Tsunade in Konoha um Hilfe bitten. Die zeigt sich gönnerhaft und schickt sofort das Team Guy los, mit Ten Ten, Neji und Lee, obwohl das Team Kakashi noch nicht in Suna-Gakue eingetroffen ist …

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Lbboj5vrufkj7mthjl9kn7uu8ws 1x11 – Heilende Hände

Kankuro ist bei einem Kampf verletzt worden und Sakura hat alle Hände voll zu tun, ihn zu retten. Sie stellt fest, dass er vergiftet worden ist und es gelingt ihr, ein Gegenmittel anzufertigen, das Kankuro rettet. Kakashi bittet Pakkun mit seinen Hunden die Verfolgung der beiden Angreifer von Kankuro aufzunehmen. Sobald sie wissen, wo die stecken, will er zusammen mit einem Team aufbrechen. Derweil schickt Tsunade noch das Team von Guy zur Unterstützung …

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Pgcnt3ergz38kie2rktzbbrfotd 1x12 – Die Legende von den Bijuu-Geistern

Pakkun entdeckt das Versteck der Akatsuki Organisation, in dem Gaara vermutlich festgehalten wird. Es befindet sich im Land der Flüsse und die Konoha Ninjas machen sich auf den Weg dorthin. Die Suna-Nins haben Befehl, das Dorf zu sichern, doch sie wollen bei einer Versammlung dagegen votieren und so schnell wie möglich nachkommen …

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Ksc8e6waziqlgbzowh2lucankbp 1x13 – Das Wasserdesaster

Guys Team, das Kakashi zu Hilfe kommen sollte, wird von Kisame aufgehalten. Er hat von der Akatsuki Organisation den Auftrag, Guy zu bekämpfen, was er gern tut, denn mit ihm hat er noch eine alte Rechnung zu begleichen. Guy hat einen schweren Stand, denn Kisame kann mit seinem Chakra unglaubliche Mengen an Wasser entstehen lassen und bewegen und er schließt Neji, TenTen und Lee in ein Wassergefängnis ein. Derweil stehen Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura und die alte Frau Chiyo Itachi gegenüber, der es ja schon lange auf Naruto abgesehen hat …

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Xmh6barsw32cwre5jgjmdhpk3wo 1x14 – Die fünf Haie

Kisame ist es gelungen, Neji, Lee und TenTen in ein Wassergefängnis zu sperren, so dass er nun allein gegen Guy antreten kann und der hat einen schweren Stand gegen ihn. Naruto ist in einem Gen-Jutsu von Itachi gefangen, doch er begreift das gerade noch rechtzeitig …

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4kx0ktgm6pgkuzqvihnitunryns 1x15 – Ein persönliches Jutsu

Kakashis Team kämpft weiter gegen Itachi, der ein Meister der Illusionskunst ist. Es gelingt ihm, Naruto in ein Gen-Jutsu einzusperren, dass ihm grausige Illusionen vorgaukelt, doch er kommt nicht allein aus dieser Illusion heraus. Erst als Kakashi und Sakura es bemerken, können sie ihm helfen. Derweil kämft Guys Team immer noch gegen Kisame, doch Guy hat zum allerletzten Mittel gegriffen, dem Öffnen der Inneren Tore und damit gesiegt. Doch als sie vor dem ‚Besiegten‘ stehen, stellen sie fest, dass es sich nicht um Kisame handelt, sondern um Yura, der vor Tagen aus dem Dorf verschwunden war …

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Yrsnixzgmwcs3atrduz5eupjwra 1x16 – Was wird aus Suna-Gakure?

In Suna-Gakure wird es immer dramatischer. Während Team Kakashi und Team Guy immer noch nicht am Ziel sind, treffen sich einige finstere Gestalten heimlich mit ihrem Anführer. Es sind die Entführer von Gaara, sowie zwei alte Bekannte, die schon viel Unruhe verbreitet haben: Itachi und Kisame. Ihnen allen geht es um den Bijuuu-Geist, eine großen Ansammlung von Chakra, der in bestimmten Menschen versiegelt ist. Deshalb haben während der Ninja-Kriege einige Länder versucht, sich diese Kraft anzueignen …

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Goi9nn948yifeon8rryyo6gvxnm 1x17 – Die Zeit drängt

Gaara ist immer noch in der Hand seiner Entführer, und keiner weiß so recht, was mit ihm gerade geschieht. Die Teams aus Konoha, die ihm zu Hilfe kommen wollen, haben laufend mit neuen Schwierigkeiten zu kämpfen. Chiyo, die Dorfälteste aus Suna-Gakure, könnte mit ihrer Erfahrung jetzt sehr wichtig werden. Aber die Zeit läuft davon. Werden sie alle das Versteck der Entführer und Gaara noch rechtzeitig finden? Diese leiten nämlich gerade die letzte Phase ein. Wird Gaara noch durchhalten können?

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3njecr6ior7klmiramydslhwdat 1x18 – Die Barrikade

Kakashis und Guys Teams sind nun beide vor der Höhle angekommen, in der sich nach Aussage von Pakkun Gaara befinden soll. Doch prompt stehen sie vor der nächsten Hürde, denn sie kommen nicht hinein. Die Tür ist mit einer fünffachen Barrikade versiegelt, die nur unter bestimmten Bedingungen beseitigt werden kann. Es gelingt ihnen, dies zu tun, doch schon bald stellt sich raus, dass sie möglicherweise in eine Falle getappt sind.

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Ou2wa12l91oix9ccdrmz2gfiz6 1x19 – Team Guy gegen Team Guy?

Guys und Kakashis Team ist es gemeinsam gelungen, die Siegel und damit die Barriere vor der Höhle zu beseitigen, doch Guys Team ist dabei in eine Falle getappt: Jedes entfernte Siegel wird zu einem Doppelgänger desjenigen, der es entfernt hat. Der sieht gleich aus und hat auch die gleiche Stärke. Guy, Neji, Lee und TenTen kämpfen buchstäblich gegen ihre Spiegelbilder, was zur Folge hat, dass sie Kakashis Bitte um Unterstützung in der Höhle nicht nachkommen können, und Deidara gelingt mit Gaara erstmal die Flucht. Nachdem er sich mit Sasori ein längeres Wortgefecht geliefert hat, was eigentlich Kunst ist. Sakura und Chiyo sollen auf Sasori aufpassen, doch Chiyo fordert ihn zum Kampf …

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Mwpaix1tr7hj09gf0jn5xh3t77j 1x20 – Der unheimliche Marionettensammler

Während Naruto und Kakashi aus der Höhle gerannt sind, um Deidara zu verfolgen, der mit Gaara auf der Flucht ist, müssen sich drinnen Sakura und Chiyo dem Kampf gegen Sasori stellen. Chiyo eröffnet Sakura, dass sie ihn kennt und erzählt ihr seinen Werdegang vom genialen Marionettenbauer bis heute, wo Sasori ‚Menschenmarionetten‘ sammelt. Sakura ist nicht überzeugt davon, dass sie diesen Kampf gewinnen können, aber letztendlich bleibt ihnen nichts anderes übrig, als sich ihm zu stellen …

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Rndg5bpdnbddk4xyfaj95dbakbc 1x21 – Ein giftiger Nebel

Bei dem Kampf gegen Sasori ist es Sakura und Chiyo gelungen, ihn zu zwingen aus seiner Marionette herauszukommen. Für Chiyo ein Schock: Sie hat ihn seit 20 Jahren nicht mehr gesehen, aber er ist um keinen Tag gealtert. Vor ihnen steht ein junger Mann, der ihnen im Kampf allerdings die Hölle heiß macht und alle Register zieht. Währenddessen verfolgen Kakashi und Naruto Deidara und in Suna-Gakure starten Kankuro und Temari, um bei der Befreiung von Gaara nun endlich mit zu helfen.

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Waeimaufpmhb2h6nyadlvyni9og 1x22 – Ein Ass im Ärmel

Während Naruto und Kakashi Deidara verfolgen und Guy und sein Team immer noch gegen sich selbst kämpfen, versuchen Chiyo und Sakura in der Höhle Sasori in Schach zu halten. Das ist nicht so leicht, weil er als Marionette den dritten Kazekage von Suna-Gakure hat und der galt als der stärkste Kazekage überhaupt. Und auch die Marionette verfügt über die furchtbarste Waffe des Kazekage: den eisernen Sand.

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Ytw2lprtwc8mq5uzohnes1g17ao 1x23 – Der eiserne Sand

Der Kampf von Chiyo und Sakura mit Sasori geht weiter. Chiyo setzt zwar ebenfalls Marionetten ein, aber die versagen, weil Sasori mit eisernem Sand kämpft, der sich in die Gelenke setzt und die Puppen damit unbrauchbar macht. Chiyo versucht es mit einem letzten Mittel, indem sie einen ihrer Arme in einen Marionettenarm verwandelt, doch auch das schlägt fehl. Sakura kommt auf die Idee, sich von Chiyo als menschliche Marionette einsetzen zu lassen … kann sie den Kampf damit für sich entscheiden?

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5be2yyrgdpu6gvzdawwlzyghl1i 1x24 – Sakura dreht auf

Guys Team kämpft immer noch gegen sich selbst, Naruto und Kakashi verfolgen immer noch Deidara, Sakura und Chiyo kämpfen immer noch gegen Sasori. Bei der Überlegung, welche Strategie man gegen ihn anwenden kann, erinnert sich Sakura daran, was Tsunade ihr beigebracht hat. Sie muss die Bewegungen des Gegners vorhersehen können, weil ein Medizin-Ninja sich auf das Ausweichen spezialisieren muss, nicht auf den Angriff. Sakura versucht das Gelernte umzusetzen.

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Kwgnspqfwnzqssqlb8wz1v2fnic 1x25 – Drei entscheidende Minuten

Sakura kann Oma Chiyos Hand heilen, obwohl sie selber in Schwierigkeiten steckt, denn das Gegengift, das sie sich verabreicht hat, wirkt nur drei Minuten. Sasori beobachtet die beiden Damen und wartet auf den entscheidenden Moment. Kakashi und Naruto haben es dagegen mit Deidara zu tun, der zwar mit allen Wassern gewaschen ist, aber trotzdem Probleme hat, sich durchzusetzen. Er wird immer wieder daran erinnert, dass Sasori ihm schon oft vorgeworfen hat, nicht gut genug vorbereitet zu sein.

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R4kissc5mljwfknz8iwntwxyl3b 1x26 – Das Zehn-Finger-Jutsu

Oma Chiyo und Sakura wissen, dass das Gegengift nur noch drei Minuten wirkt, also müssen sie schnell eine Entscheidung fällen, wie sie gegen Sasori vorgehen. Der wiederum ist sich seiner Sache sehr sicher, zumal er ein spezielles Jutsu anwenden kann, mit dem seine Gegnerinnen wohl nicht rechnen. Aber auch Oma Chiyo hat mit ihrem ‚Zehn-Finger‘ – Jutsu noch einen Trumpf in der Hand …

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Onvnqsgq7vcgc2e1czna01e1smm 1x27 – Der Traum, der nicht wahr werden konnte

Im Kampf zwischen Sasori, Chiyo und Sakura scheint Sasori die Oberhand gewonnen zu haben. Sakura und Chiyo sind verwundet, doch mit letzter Kraft gelingt es Chiyo, Sakura zu heilen und den ultimativen Schlag gegen Sasori auszuführen …

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Wo9cuudfmrnuui8ddi2m1jzbgvl 1x28 – Stärker als gestern

Sakura und Chiyo ist es endlich gelungen, Sasori zu besiegen. Nun müsste sich eigentlich auch die Falle auflösen, in der Guy und sein Team stecken, indem sie gegen ihre gleich starken Doppelgänger kämpfen müssen, doch es tut sich nichts. Das Jutsu bleibt bestehen und das Team wird immer schwächer …

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Sihjf9mbpguhnszprbjyj0a6etv 1x29 – Kakashis Sharingan

Nachdem Lee herausgefunden hat, dass sie stärker sein müssen, als ihre Doppelgänger, gibt das Team von Guy noch mal alles und es gelingt ihnen, die Doppelgänger zu besiegen. Kakashi und Naruto verfolgen nach wie vor Deidara, und Kakashi ist entschlossen, sein neues Sharingan einzusetzen, obwohl er es noch nicht vollkommen im Griff hat …

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Ukritqqsw9q2wsdrua5cht9vu4f 1x30 – Das Gewand des Fuchsgeistes

Naruto begreift endlich, was mit Gaara passiert ist und ist so wütend darüber, dass das Chakra des Fuchsgeistes für kurze Zeit die Kontrolle übernehmen kann. Glücklicherweise erinnert Kakashi sich an den Rat, den Jiraiya ihm gegeben hat, wie man den Fuchsgeist wieder in seine Schranken weisen kann. Inzwischen sind auch Guy und sein Team angekommen …

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Pvi7ybet2tpyj17hilb9dpinhj7 1x31 – Der Kazekage kehrt zurück

Chiyo benutzt ihr Reinkarnationsjutsu, um Gaara wiederzubeleben. Da Chiyos Chakra nicht mehr ausreicht, hilft Naruto ihr und legt seine Hände auf ihre, um ihr sein Chakra zu geben. Als das Jutsu vollbracht ist, wacht Gaara auf und Naruto ist zusammen mit mehreren Suna-Nins an seiner Seite, was Gaara sehr berührt. Leider musste Chiyo für dieses Jutsu ihr Leben geben. Letztendlich, nachdem Gaara wieder bei Kräften ist, halten alle eine Schweigeminute für Chiyo.

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6wyyg7gelhndrw1ehprqcb57vo9 1x32 – Ein Junge namens Sai

Es stellt sich raus, dass Deidara die Explosion überlebt hat. Inzwischen sind Zetsu und sein Untergebener Tobi auf dem Schlachtfeld von Sakuras, Chiyos und Sasoris Kampf angelangt. Tobi findet daraufhin Sasoris Ring und bittet darum, endlich ein Mitglied von Akatsuki zu werden. Währenddessen warten alle Einwohner Sunagakures vor dem Eingangsbereich des Dorfes auf ihren Kazekage. Bevor sie ins Dorf hinein gehen, halten alle eine Schweigeminute für Chiyo. Das gesamte Dorf ist froh, dass ihr Kazekage unversehrt zurückgekommen ist. Bevor die Konoha-Nins das Dorf verlassen, besuchen sie ein letztes mal Chiyos Grab. Gaara bedankt sich bei Naruto, für das, was er für ihn getan hat und schüttelt ihm die Hand. Als Team Kakashi und Team Gai aufbrechen, veranstalten Gai und Lee ein Wettrennen. Mittlerweile haben Zetsu und Tobi Deidara gefunden. In Konoha bekommt ein Gewisser Sai eine neue Mission von Danzou.

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1x33 – The New Target

Everyone has returned to the Hidden Leaf Village. Kakashi is hospitalized for a week due to the strain caused by his Mangekyo Sharingan.

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1x34 – Kessei! Shin Kakashi han

Naruto, Choji and Shikamaru attempt to capture and interrogate Sai, but Sai withdraws after insulting Naruto. Shortly afterward, Ino appears. Concerned that the demon fox could fall into Akatsuki hands, the village elders challenge Tsunade's plan to send Naruto out of the village without the still bedridden Kakashi. Tsunade promises to protect Konoha with her own life if Naruto is captured, but is still forced to compromise with Danzo by adding Sai to Team Kakashi. She also temporarily replaces Kakashi with ANBU member Yamato and warns him to keep an eye on Sai. ...

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1x35 – Gadatensoku

Yamato takes temporary leadership of Team Kakashi while Sai insults both Naruto and Sakura. While preparing to set off, Sai receives an envelope from a Root shinobi containing secret orders from Danzo, and Sakura consults with Tsunade. Jiraiya then meets with Tsunade and Yamato in Kakashi's hospital room to brief Yamato on the demon fox within Naruto, detailing the "demon fox's cloak", and revealing a scar he got from Naruto when the fourth tail formed. Finally the new Team Kakashi set off on their new mission, to intercept an Akatsuki spy and gather information about...

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1x36 – Itsuwari no egao

The new Team Kakashi heads for Tenchikyo. To Naruto, Sai is just temporarily filling in for Sasuke. When Sai shows his contempt for Sasuke, the antagonism comes to a head.

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1x37 – Mudai

Sakura comes across Sai working on an abstract painting. He tells her that he's unable to give it a title. Bothered by his manner, Sakura finds an unusual picture book among Sai's things.

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1x38 – Shimyurêshon

In preparation for Tenchikyo, Yamato conducts a half-day simulation in order to get a grasp on the fighting skills and jutsu of Team Kakashi. Sai abandons Naruto to conclude the simulated mission successfully.

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1x39 – Tenchikyô

The day for capturing the spy is finally here. Just as planned, Yamato takes on Sasori's likeness and waits until the Akatsuki spy appears. The spy turns out to be none other than Kabuto.

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1x40 – Kyûbi kaihô!!

Faced with Orochimaru, his sworn enemy, Naruto suddenly releases the power of his Nine-Tailed Fox. When Yamato sees Naruto's fourth tail appear, he recalls Jiraiya's tale of how he nearly lost his life to the transformed Naruto. Yamato has been ordered to suppress the Nine-Tail chakra that would adversely affect Naruto's body. Then, the secret of Yamato's Wood-Style ninjutsu becomes apparent.

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1x41 – Gokuhi ninmu sutâto

When his third tail appears, all that Naruto can see is Orochimaru. He is blind even to his teammates.

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1x42 – Orochimaru vs Jinchûriki

With the release of his fourth tail, Naruto completely loses his awareness and is overtaken by destructive impulses.

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1x43 – Sakura no namida

Although he has changed almost completely into his animal form and has lost all awareness, Naruto refuses to give up the idea of bringing Sasuke home.

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1x44 – Tatakai no tenmatsu

Taking advantage of the confusion, Sai makes contact with Orochimaru. After reviewing the contents of the documents given to him, Orochimaru decides to take Sai back to the hideout.

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1x45 – Uragiri no hate

Naruto and Sakura are shocked when they hear that Danzo's goal is to work with Orochimaru to once again attempt to defeat the Leaf Village.

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1x46 – Mikan no pêji

Naruto is shocked to learn that he was the one responsible for the destruction around them and for Sakura's injuries.

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1x47 – Sennyû! Dokuhebi no ajito

Sai shudders when he finally meets Sasuke face to face in Orochimaru's hideout. The list that Sai gave to Orochimaru lists the members of the Anbu Black Ops, the corps under the direct control of the Hokage.

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1x48 – Tsunagari

Team Kakashi is able to find Sai with Yamato guiding them. They immediately begin questioning Sai about Danzo's plans for destroying the Leaf Village, and surprisingly, Sai divulges everything.

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1x49 – Taisetsu na mono

Kabuto carries out a surprise attack on Team Kakashi to take back Sai, but a change has come over Sai since Sakura pointed out his contradictions.

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1x50 – Ehon ga kataru sutôrî

Naruto, while nursing his injuries caused by the release of the Nine-Tailed Fox, searches frantically for Sasuke. Seeing this, Sai recalls the feelings he once had for his older brother and finally manages to complete his unfinished picture.

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1x51 – Saikai

Team Kakashi are stunned to learn that Sai's true mission is to kill Sasuke. Naruto wants to believe that the smile Sai showed them was real, but there is a possibility that it was all an act.

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1x52 – Uchiha no chikara

Team Kakashi finally have their wish to be reunited with Sasuke granted. Although it has been three long years, Sasuke's feelings have not changed. His ultimate goal is to get revenge against his older brother, Itachi.

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1x53 – Taitoru

Sasuke's desire for revenge remains firm, no matter how hard Naruto tries to talk him out of it. Yamato tries to take Sasuke by force, but interference by Orochimaru brings things to a quick close.

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1x54 – Akumu

Naruto's been having nightmares about a mysterious person releasing the Nine-Tail's power. After remembering their recent encounter with Sasuke, Naruto realizes that he must get stronger. Meanwhile, Sai tries to adapt to everyday life with Naruto and Sakura. When the group goes to visit Kakashi to discuss the situation, Kakashi lets Naruto know that he has special training for him that will make him stronger, fast. They are joined by Team 10, who have also come to visit.

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1x55 – Kaze

Naruto begins to train with Kakashi. Kakashi finds it exhausting working with Naruto, who can't understand anything explained to him.

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1x56 – Ugomeku

Learning that his chakra is of the "wind" type that is outstanding for fighting, Naruto puts more effort into his training.

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1x57 – Ubawareta nemuri

Team Kakashi is ordered to resolve the frequent vandalizing of graves at the Fire Temple. When it becomes clear that the vandals aren't after the possessions buried with the dead, Yamato suspects that they want the corpses of the ninja buried in the four hidden tombs near Fire Temple.

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1x58 – Kodoku

At the Fire Temple, Chiriku explains to Team Kakashi that the hidden tombs hold the guards of the Land of Fire's feudal lord. At one time Chiriku and Asuma were members of that organization. Team Kakashi learn about a terrible incident caused by the Twelve Ninja Guardians. Meanwhile, as Naruto watches the young monks training, he notices a strain in the relations between Sora and the other monks.

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1x59 – Aratana teki

Word comes that the last of the hidden graves has been broken into. Naruto and the others go after the coffin, but it turns out to be a trap.

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1x60 – Uitenpen

Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

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1x61 – Sesshoku

Sora confronts Furido, the mysterious figure who has broken into the hidden graves. Impressed by Sora's unusual strength, he admonishes him, "You should reevaluate how you use that power Heaven has blessed you with," and disappears, leaving him with a cryptic message that he is an old friend of his father.

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1x62 – Chîmumeito

Yamato believes that the assailants were not grave robbers but were after Sora. He decides to appoint Sora to Team Kakashi as a temporary stand-in for the injured Sai.

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1x63 – Futatsu no gyoku

Asuma supervises Naruto and Sora's wind chakra training, and notices that Sora, like Naruto, has very powerful chakra. Tsunade and Yamato learn from Chiriku that Sora was inadvertently responsible for an incident in which the Temple of Fire was destroyed. Later, Asuma gives Sora a claw made from the same materials as his chakra blades. It is revealed that Asuma killed Sora's father Kazuma, who had planned to kill the Hokage. Furido then approaches Sora, telling him that Asuma is responsible for his father's death and passing him two "king" pieces from a Shogi set for ...

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1x64 – Shikkoku no noroshi

Danzou is brought in for questioning after being caught meeting with a young Rain ninja. Sora confronts Asuma, and Asuma admits to having killed Kazuma. He attacks Asuma, his arm once again assuming a demonic form. Afterward, Naruto gets injured while shielding Sora from the attacks of an unknown individual, presumably from Root. Furido then approaches Sora, telling him to kill both Asuma and the Hokage to avenge his father. Later on, Naruto catches Sora going after Tsunade. Sora retreats as Shizune and a few other ninja arrive, but Naruto pursues him. At that moment,...

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1x65 – Ankoku no sejô

Under cover of a giant power outage, Furido begins his assault on the Hidden Leaf. The village immediately goes on alert, but Furido's men put up a barrier, and everyone in the village is trapped inside. Naruto and Asuma finally catch up to Sora, who is planning an escape in the midst of the panic. He explodes with anger at Naruto's demand to know why he attacked Tsunade. But Asuma is quick to suspect that there is someone behind Sora, someone who knows about the coup d'état incident involving two groups within the Guardian Shinobi Twelve, and realizes that the ...

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1x66 – Yomigaeru tamashi

In order to stop the impending disaster, Asuma rushes toward the electric generator system. There he sees the Guardian Shinobi Twelve who have come to life once more through Revival Jutsu after their graves were robbed.

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1x67 – Sorezore no shitô

Sora refuses to let Furido destroy the village despite his grudge against Asuma and the Hokage. He is beaten up by Furido, who claims that his father had a similar flaw. Asuma gets trapped by Kitane in a force field of lightning. Meanwhile, Yamato and Sakura kill their opponents, and Shikamaru heads to the battlefield with a plan to defeat the zombies. Just as he puts it into motion, however, Fuen's barrier falls and Fudo's revival technique ends, and the zombies turn to dust.

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1x68 – Mezame no toki

Naruto deduces that Fuuka's secret consists of switching bodies to use each corresponding element and that her hair preserves her youth and body. Naruto damages her hair and it takes a life of its own dispensing the body, but Naruto finally kills it with a Rasengan. Meanwhile, Asuma manages to break free of the electric barrier, catch up with Kitane and defeat him in a short fight. Realizing that Kitane is no more, and that his three other companions were killed, Furido causes the 3 other ninja guardians to disappear. But Furido has a back up plan, Sora.

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1x69 – Zetsubô

Naruto and Asuma catch up to Sora, only to find him shrouded in ominous chakra and undergoing a change.

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1x70 – Kyômei

Furido's true form belongs to Kazuma, one of the Guardian Shinobi Twelve who had planned the coup d'état. Asuma puts his honor on the line and goes back ten years to battle Furido once more.

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1x71 – Tomo yo

The struggle between Naruto and Sora continues. Asuma and Kazuma fight. Sai arrives, having sneaked out of hospital, and binds Kazuma with an ink snake. Kazuma breaks out of Sai's jutsu and charges Asuma, but is killed. Naruto eventually reaches Sora, who manages to release the Nine Tails's chakra. Sora then leaves the village to travel the world. Asuma and Shikamaru play shogi and discuss who the king of Konoha is. Elsewhere, two Akatsuki members, Hidan and Kakuzu, appear chasing the Two Tails Jinchuuriki.

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1x72 – Shinobi yoru kyôi

Work continues in Hidden Leaf Village to erase the scars of battle. As he watches Konohamaru and the others helping with the reconstruction, Iruka sees how his students have matured.

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1x73 – "Akatuski" shinkô

With Kakashi's return, Naruto resumes training for his new jutsu. Kakashi explains that the transformation training will enter the next stage. This time, only Wind Chakra will be used to cut through a waterfall. Hidan and Kakuzu, who have captured Two Tails, leave it with Zetsu and head for the Land of Fire in search of Nine Tails. The first place they reach is the Fire Temple, where the priests go into a near panic, and Chiriku confronts the Akatsuki.

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1x74 – Hoshizora no shita de

The lone surviving priest is carried into Hidden Leaf Village where he reports the destruction of the Fire Temple.

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1x75 – Rôsô no inori

In order to capture the Akatsuki, the Hidden Leaf cast a net that even an ant could not crawl through. Still, the Akatsuki elude them and frustrate Tsunade to no end. Around that time, Asuma and the others arrive at the Fire Temple, only to find it completely destroyed. Chiriku's corpse is missing, and Asuma surmises that the Akatsuki were after the bounty on Chiriku's head. They immediately dispatch a messenger to Hidden Leaf to submit a report and head for the nearest center where the Akatsuki can turn in Chiriku's body for payment. Back at Hidden Leaf, Naruto takes...

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1x76 – Tsuginaru suteppu

Naruto is learning the elements of Wind Style Jutsu, and Kakashi lectures him on the difficulties of developing a new jutsu. According to Kakashi even the Fourth Hokage was not able to embed elemental chakra into his jutsu. Naruto feels a heavy sense of responsibility and puts his entire being into developing the new jutsu. Meanwhile, the Akatsuki duo turns in Chiriku's body to collect the bounty. What is the fate of the Hidden Leaf team who are pursuing them...?

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1x77 – Bôgin

Asuma and his team finally confront Hidan, and a battle ensues. They fight with all their strength but are shocked at Hidan's power.

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1x78 – Kudasareta sabaki

Hidan releases a baffling jutsu, and Asuma bears the brunt of the attack. The jutsu is a special trick which links Hidan with Asuma's body.

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1x79 – Todokanu zekkyô

Hidan's immortality enables him to stay alive even with his head cut off, although he cannot move his body. Kakuzu sews Hidan's head back on with threads that sprout from his body. Izumo and Kotetsu try to attack Kakuzu, but he manages to grab them both by using his body threads, restraining them and suffocating them as well. Hidan, now able to move again, returns to the circle and stabs himself with the blades of his scythe; he finishes it off by stabbing himself in the chest with another spike, fatally wounding Asuma.

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1x80 – Saigo no kotoba

Asuma is mortally wounded by Hidan's jutsu, and the Akatsuki have the rest of the Hidden Leaf in a bind.

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1x81 – Kanashiki shirase

In a faraway land, the Akatsuki reveal their true aim of world conquest. And back at Hidden Leaf Village, Shikamaru gives his report of the mission to Tsunade.

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1x82 – Daijûppan

Asuma's funeral is held in Hidden Leaf Village amid deep sadness. Shikamaru is the lone absentee, unable to get over the loss.

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1x83 – Tâgetto rokkuon

Kakashi and Team 10 set out to stop the Akatsuki. Tsunade considers Naruto's Team 7 to be the ideal back-up for Team 10 and orders Naruto to perfect his new jutsu within 24 hours.

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1x84 – Kakuzu's Abilities

Shikamaru and Choji deliver the first blows in the battle, but they are thwarted by Kakuzu's power. Kakashi counters Kakuzu's trick and brings him down.

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1x85 – The Terrifying Secret

Shikamaru and his comrades desperately counter the Fire Jutsu offensive. But continuously using his Rasengan and Lightning Blade takes its toll on Kakashi.

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1x86 – Shikamaru's Genius

Shikamaru battles Hidan alone, deep in the forest, and after depleting his chakra, sustains a deep wound. Hidan draws his blood as he lies near death.

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1x87 – When You Curse Someone, You Dig Your Own Grave

Naruto and Team Kakashi arrive just in time to assist Team Asuma. Sakura and Sai are ordered by Kakashi to aid Shikamaru, who is battling alone.

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1x88 – Wind Element: Rasen Shuriken!

Ino and Choji are amazed at Naruto's new jutsu, and Kakuzu senses the danger that it poses. But when released, the new jutsu dissipates before it reaches Kakuzu.

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1x89 – The Price of Power

Naruto's uses his new jutsu to bring Kakuzu down. Tsunade welcomes the teams back home and orders Team Asuma and Team Yamato to take a break.

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1x90 – A Shinobi's Decision

Just when peace has finally settled over the village word comes that Orochimaru's hideout has been found. Tsunade orders Kakashi, Hinata, Shino, and Kiba on a search mission to find the hideout.

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1x91 – Discovery: Orochimaru's Hideout

Naruto and Jiraiya arrive at the hot springs resort. As an alternative to the Wind Style: Rasen Shuriken, Jiraiya suggests to Naruto the collaboration ninjutsu with a ninja toad.

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1x92 – Deai

Inside Orochimaru's hideout Guren witnesses Sasuke defeating a thousand opponents. Meanwhile, Kabuto and Yukimaru conduct their experiment to summon the Three-Tailed Beast.

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1x93 – Kayoiau kokoro

Believing Naruto's new jutsu is almost completed, Jiraiya heads off to investigate new information on the Akatsuki's movements. His arm now healed, Naruto returns to the village to continue his training.

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1x94 – Ame hito yo

Staying behind at the hideout, Rinji and Gozu become aware of a shinobi following their tracks. At the same time, Kakashi and his team notice that the enemy is using a bat for surveillance.

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1x95 – Futatsu no omamori

At the Leaf Village Naruto is busy training with Gamakichi and Gamatatsu. But when he learns that Kakashi and the others are out on a mission to locate Orochimaru's hideout, Naruto rushes to ask Tsunade if he can join the mission.

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1x96 – Miezaru teki

Team Yamato heads out to provide backup for Team Kakashi. Right before his departure Naruto gets a hint to perfect his new jutsu by entering Gamatatsu's belly.

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1x97 – Ran hansha no meikyû

From the results of the analysis of the crystallized Parasitic insects, the enemies currently fighting Kakashi's team are identified as users of the Crystal Style, a rare type of jutsu. Still unclear on what Orochimaru's objective is, Tsunade cannot hide her irritation and anxiety.

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1x98 – Arawareta hyôteki

Shattering the force field with his newly mastered collaboration jutsu with the toads, Naruto and the reinforcement unit arrive at the battle site. But Naruto's new jutsu is repulsed by Guren's ability to crystallize fluids.

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1x99 – Arekurû Bijû

The Leaf ninja use The Bat to pursue Guren. Akamaru and Kiba detect a high level of chakra present at their destination. Convinced something abnormal is about to happen, Kakashi sends Naruto to the lake right before entering battle with the enemy.

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1x100 – Kiri no naka de

Inside the heavy mist, the Leaf ninja manage to rendezvous with Naruto. The team tightens their guard when they learn that the mist surrounding the lake causes illusions. The team discovers that the enemy is after the Three-Tailed Beast, and faced with this unexpected development, Kakashi decides to ask for Tsunade's guidance.

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1x101 – Sorezore no omoi

Naruto enters the mist to seek out Yukimaru. Guren stays alert to protect Yukimaru, whose current situation prevents him from moving. When both sides meet, their emotion over Yukimaru sparks.

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1x102 – Saihensei

Reinforcements arrive from the Leaf Village. The new mission from Tsunade: seal the Three-Tailed Beast so it won't fall into anyone else's hands and take Yukimaru whose powers are tied to the Tailed Beast into custody.

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1x103 – Kekkai shihô fûjin

The Leaf ninja wish to seal the Three-Tailed Beast, and Guren's team wishes to stop them at any cost. Shizune's sealing team begins their search as they activate the The Four-Corner Sealing Barrier to trap the Three-Tailed Beast...

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1x104 – Shôton kuzushi

To protect the The Four-Corner Sealing Barrier necessary to seal the Three-Tailed Beast, Kakashi and Naruto wage their deadly battle against Guren. Sai fights a one-on-one battle with Gozu...

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1x105 – Kekkai kôbô-sen

Kabuto plans on breaking the Leaf's The Four-Corner Sealing Barrier from the inside by using Yukimaru's power and have the Three-Tailed Beast go on a rampage.

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1x106 – Akai tsubaki

To protect Guren from the raging Three Tails, Yuukimaru exerts powers beyond his limits. Moved by his action, Guren now comes to regret her past sin of killing Yuukimaru's mother.

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1x107 – Goetsu dôshû

To protect Yuukimaru, Naruto and Guren fight alongside each other against the Three-Tailed beast and are swallowed. Inside the beast is an unnatural world filled with limestone.

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1x108 – Tsubaki no michishirube

The Leaf ninja learn that Naruto is inside the Three-Tailed beast. With no other alternative but to trust Yuukimaru's mystical senses, Kakashi and the others follow the boy's guidance and attempt a rescue mission.

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1x109 – Juin no gyakushû

Despite the Leaf ninja rescue attempt, Naruto and Guren do not return. Frustration builds among the group, but as Three Tails wakes from its sleep, the Sealing Team makes a second attempt at the Four Corner Sealing Barrier.

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1x110 – Tsumi no kioku

Kabuto plots to have Three Tails crush the Leaf ninja by sacrificing Yuukimaru's power and life. Controlled by Yuukimaru, Three Tails' awesome power is about to break free from the seal, when an unexpected ally saves Shizune's sealing team.

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1x111 – Kudakareta yakusoku

Kabuto finally appears before Naruto. Learning that Orochimaru used Guren's and Yuukimaru's feelings for his own purposes, an enraged Naruto enters battle against Kabuto.

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1x112 – Kaerubeki basho

The Leaf ninja fall back and tend to their wounds. The battle has left everyone with serious injuries. Shizune examines Yuukimaru, who is in a coma, but his body is no longer able to control Three Tails.

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1x113 – Daija no dôkô

Orochimaru agonizes in pain at his hideout, now requiring level-ten medications just to sustain his body. Even with excruciating pain Orochimaru is preparing for his transference ritual, and Kabuto can feel Orochimaru's further potential.

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1x114 – Taka no hitomi

Orochimaru sheds his old body and transforms into a white serpent. As he attacks Sasuke to obtain his body, Orochimaru remembers the time he found the slough of a white snake in front of his parents' grave.

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1x115 – Zabuza no daitô

Sasuke has defeated Orochimaru. He then frees Suigetsu, a man trapped inside a water tank, and tells the man to join him. But Suigetsu does not immediately take up Sasuke's offer...

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1x116 – Teppeki no ban'nin

Sasuke and Suigetsu visit the southern hideout to recruit their next member, Karin. Suigetsu is surprised at the hideout's low security level but is told that no prisoners can escape thanks to Karin's abilities. What is Karin's power that allows her to maintain order and an iron defense?

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1x117 – Kita ajito no Jûgo

Sasuke and his team head for the northern hideout to recruit their next member, Jugo. On the way, Karin explains that the northern hideout is a site for conducting horrific human experiments. A ninja with abnormal homicidal impulses, Jugo is the sole carrier of the enzyme necessary to create Orochimaru's curse mark...

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1x118 – Kessei!

Slipping past the riot, Sasuke arrives at Jugo's cell. But Jugo refuses to be released, even going as far as to say he rather die a lonely death than to leave the hideout.

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1x119 – Kakashi gaiden ~ Senjô no bôizu raifu ~ Zenpen

More than ten years ago, the rule of the Five Great Shinobi Nations was destabilized, throwing the world into a conflict later to be known as the Third Great Ninja War.The future Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze assigns young Kakashi, Obito of the Uchiha clan, and Rin, a medical ninja, on a mission to Kannabi Bridge...

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1x120 – Kakashi gaiden ~ Senjô no bôizu raifu ~ Kôhen

Obito ignores Kakashi's order to continue with the mission and leaves to save Rin, who was kidnapped by the Rock ninja. But the enemies detect Obito's arrival and defeat him. Kakashi arrives at the last minute and saves Obito...

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1x121 – Ugokidasu monotachi

After hunting down the Four Tails, Itachi and Kisame are summoned by the leader of the Akatsuki. The leader announces the death of Orochimaru to the gathered members and the possibility of his killer, Sasuke, setting his sights on the Akatsuki organization....

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1x122 – Tansaku

Under Kakashi's command, the Leaf ninja set off to find Itachi. Using Kakashi's ninja hounds, they gather as much information as they can on Itachi. Meanwhile, the members of the Hebi also scatter to look for information on Itachi. Led by the ninja hound tracking Sasuke's scent, Sakura arrives in town and draws near to Karin.

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1x123 – Gekitotsu!

Upon encountering one another, Sasuke and Deidara engage in battle. After exchanging a few blows to test Sasuke's strength, Deidara conjures up his specialty clay dragon and wages long-range attacks against Sasuke from high above. With Tobi's backup support, the battle seems to be going to Deidara.

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1x124 – Geijutsu

Determined to destroy the Sharingan to rid himself of the taste of defeat he received from Itachi, Deidara unleashes his biggest attack, the C4 Karura. Created to kill Itachi, this fierce weapon is capable of destroying living beings from the inside using millions of nano-sized bombs. Can Sasuke escape this attack fueled by Deidara's determination to destroy the Sharingan?

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1x125 – Shôshitsu

Sasuke goes missing after being caught by Deidara's suicidal bombing. Sensing his disappearance, Jugo, Karin, and Suigetsu race to Sasuke's last location, where the three Hebi members discover...?

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1x126 – Tasogare

Leaf ninja, she notifies the others and the Hebi members quickly leave the inn. To allow Sasuke to focus on his coming battle with Itachi, Karin comes up with a plan to keep the Leaf ninja occupied.

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1x127 – Dokonjô ninden ~ Jiraiya ninpôchô ~ Zenpen

During the reign of the Second Hokage, the young Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Tsunade are assigned to Hiruzen Sarutobi's platoon as Genins. While training, Jiraiya accidentally transports himself to Mount Myoboku, opening the path to fulfill his destiny.

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1x128 – Dokonjô ninden ~ Jiraiya ninpôchô ~ Kôhen

Jiraiya's journey to seek out a student is postponed due to the outbreak of the Third Great Ninja War. Jiraiya joins Tsunade and Orochimaru to battle the Village Hidden in the Rain.

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1x129 – Sen'nyû! Amegakure no sato

Jiraiya successfully infiltrates the Hidden Rain Village by hiding inside the toad Gamagoro. He sets out to gather information but finds no indications of a civil war occurring within the village.

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1x130 – Kami to natta otoko

Foreseeing a possible battle, Jiraiya takes precautionary measures by storage releasing the scroll toad that commands the key to Naruto's Eight-Signed Seal.

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1x131 – Hatsudô! Sen'nin modô

Jiraiya battles to defeat his former student Pain, who is now driven by his twisted ideals as an Akatsuki member.

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1x132 – Pein rokudô, kenzan

Jiraiya completes his Sage Mode transformation to battle the three Pains.

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1x133 – Jiraiya gôketsu monogatari

Having lost his arm, Jiraiya is outmatched by the six Pains now appearing before him. Of the six, the one called Tendo is revealed to be Jiraiya's former student Yahiko. Jiraiya is still puzzled by the Rinnegan's true powers, but before he can gather his thoughts, he is forced back into battle.

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1x134 – Utage e no sasoi

As Sasuke proceeds to Itachi's hideout, Tobi messes with Naruto.

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1x135 – Nagaki toki no naka de...

While Itachi waits for Sasuke in the Uchiha hideout, he recalls the past incident that led to his defection from the Leaf Village. When Sasuke arrives, the fated battle begins between the two brothers.

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1x136 – Mangekyô Sharingan no hikari to yami

Following their fierce genjutsu battle with the Sharingan, Itachi explains the secret behind the most powerful ocular jutsu, the Mangekyo Sharingan, and the history of the Uchiha clan...

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1x137 – Amaterasu

Sasuke loses his left eye to Itachi, but it turns out to be a genjutsu created by the Mangekyo Sharingan. Breaking free of the Tsukuyomi by force, Sasuke makes a furious comeback against the injured Itachi.

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1x138 – Shûen

At the climax of the battle, both Itachi and Sasuke run out of chakra. However, Sasuke reveals that his actions up until now were only a preparation for his final jutsu.

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1x139 – Tobi no nazo

Naruto and his comrades find themselves held up by Tobi, whose strange jutsu is more than just a simple genjutsu.

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1x140 – In'nen

In the Akatsuki hideout Sasuke comes face to face with Madara. Announcing himself as Itachi's accomplice from that fateful night, Madara goes on to tell Sasuke the truth about Itachi that he could never have known.

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1x141 – Shinjitsu

The Uchiha clan was plotting a coup d'etat. The story as told by Madara leaves Sasuke at a loss for words. Because of his gifted talent, Itachi was forced to suffer, torn between his loyalties to the Leaf Village and the Uchiha clan.

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1x142 – Unraikyô no tatakai

Flame from the Amaterasu still remains on the battlefield as Naruto and his teammates continue to search for Sasuke. But despite the search team's best efforts, they cannot find any trace of him.

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1x143 – "Hachibi" tai "Sasuke"

The Taka split up with the Akatsuki to hunt down the remaining Tailed Beast. At the Land of Lightning they go up against Killer Bee, whose attack utilizing Lightning Style and seven blades proves to be more than a match for them.

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1x144 – Fûraibô

The Leaf ninja fail to capture Itachi and also lose track of Sasuke. Calling off their pursuit, the team is heading back to the village when an urgent assignment from Lady Tsunade comes in. The mission stems from a treaty between the Third Hokage and the En no Gyoja of the Tsuchigumo Clan...

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1x145 – Kinjutsu no keishôsha

Naruto and his teammates are assigned to escort Hotaru, En no Gyoja's granddaughter, to the Tsuchigumo Clan's village located in the mountains. But Hotaru's mind is still attached to Utakata, who left after Naruto's arrival...

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1x146 – Keishôsha no omoi

Having arrived at the village, Hotaru parts with Naruto and his team. But the Magaki Troops are one step ahead and threaten Hotaru to hand over the forbidden jutsu. Utakata appears, and Shiranami recognizes him as a bounty listed in the Hidden Mist's bingo book...

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1x147 – Nukenin no kako

Yamato and Sai recognize their opponents as trackers from the Hidden Mist Village, but Naruto attacks without questioning. The Hidden Mist demands Utakata be handed over to them in exchange for Hotaru.

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1x148 – Yami no kôkeisha

Hotaru is brought back to the fort in Mount Katsuragi. Naruto, outraged to learn the forbidden jutsu was embedded inside Hotaru, demands an explanation from Tonbei. But it was none other than Hotaru herself who wished for this.

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1x149 – Betsuri

Believing Shiranami's story, Hotaru writes a parting letter addressed to Utakata and leaves Mount Katsuragi. Meanwhile Naruto, still searching for Shiranami, falls into the Magaki Troops' trap but manages to escape thanks to help from Utakata.

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1x150 – Kinjutsu hatsudô

Naruto and Utakata successfully enter the Tsuchigumo village thanks to help from Sakura, Sai, and Yamato. Utakata senses the chakra filling the atmosphere and terrain behaving oddly, and together with Naruto, they enter the cave where the anomaly is originating.

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1x151 – Shitei

Naruto has a strange nightmare several days after their failure to bring Sasuke home. Even after he awakens wisps of the dream keep haunting him.

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1x152 – Hihô

Returning from the mission, Naruto recollects his strange encounter with Itachi. What did the now deceased Itachi wish to tell him? As Naruto ponders this, Kakashi makes an abrupt visit.

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1x153 – Shi no kage o ote

Naruto wanders the streets of the Leaf Village, grief stricken over the death of Jiraiya. Unable to overcome his feeling of loss, Naruto traces back through his memories of Jiraiya. What can help the heartbroken Naruto get back on his feet?

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1x154 – Angô kaidoku

Naruto and his friends successfully decipher the code Jiraiya left behind with the help of some information Naruto has. The crew immediately calls Fukasaku over, but the message is not enough to solve the mystery of Pain.

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1x155 – Daiichi no kadai

At Mount Myoboku, Naruto begins his Sage Jutsu training under Fukasaku. The first challenge is "Don't move." Fukasaku explains that an extensive amount of time is necessary in order to take in nature energy.

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1x156 – Shi o koeru toki

Naruto continues his Sage training at Mount Myoboku, but with very slow progress. Fukasaku runs out of patience and suggests they move on to the next training...

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1x157 – Konoha shûgeki!

Shikamaru and the others wait for the information Jiraiya brought back to be analyzed. The Hidden Leaf ninja continue their data analysis, when disaster strikes the village

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1x158 – Shinjiru chikara

The Leaf Village is under heavy attack from Pain and Konan. Hearing the Akatsuki attack, Tsunade attempts to contact Fukasaku...

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1x159 – Pain vs. Kakashi

In one area of the village, Kakashi enters battle against Tendo Pain, but he can't keep up with Tendo's mysterious attacks. Shurado joins the fight, and Kakashi struggles with the two-on-one disadvantage.

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1x160 – Pain no nazo

The Leaf Village is under heavy attack from the Akatsuki. Underneath the village Danzo takes action to achieve his ambition. Meanwhile, searching through the Rain ninja's mind, Inoichi Yamanaka is about to stumble upon valuable information.

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1x161 – Sei wa Sarutobi, na wa Konohamaru!

Konohamaru Sarutobi fights Naraka Pain.

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1x162 – Sekai ni itami o

Tsunade comes face to face with Tendo Pain on the rooftop of the Hokage mansion. When Pain demands the Nine Tails be handed over, Tsunade refuses.

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1x163 – Bakuhatsu! Sen'nin modô

Sensing danger at hand, Naruto, along with Fukasaku, rushes back to the Leaf Village from Mount Myoboku. But what they see is the remains of the Leaf Village, leveled beyond recognition.

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1x164 – Pinchi! Kieta sen'nin môdo

Naruto hits Pain with his Sage Jutsu-perfected Wind Style Rasen Shuriken. Although he succeeds in defeating Ningendo, the remaining Pain quickly confronts him.

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1x165 – Kyûbi hokaku kanryô

Gamabunta and the other toads are defeated while Naruto is captured by Pain. Naruto attempts to fight back with Sage Jutsu, but Gakido sucks out his chakra, forcing him to go out of Sage Mode. Fukasaku and Shima prepare to activate genjutsu, the same one they used to assist Jiraiya, this time to break the Rinnegan's link. Meanwhile, to not let Shizune's death be in vain, Shikamaru and the other Leaf ninja vow to find the real Pain. As they prepare to gather further information, Inoichi Yamanaka comes to an important realization...

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1x166 – Kokuhaku

Fukasaku and Shima fall in battle, leaving Naruto open to be captured by Tendo Pain. Just when all is thought to be lost, Hinata, who was following the battle with her Byakugan, steps in to face Pain.

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1x167 – Chibaku Tensei

Naruto loses himself after seeing Hinata taken out right before his eyes. His anger triggers the Nine Tails' chakra to go out of control.

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1x168 – Yondaime Hokage

Naruto meets Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage, inside his inner world.

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1x169 – Futari no deshi

By chance, Naruto and Sora get Asuma to coach them. Under the guidance of Asuma's iron fist, they immerse themselves in training with Wind Chakra.

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1x170 – Daibôken! Yondaime no isan o sagase - Zenpen

The story goes back to right before the start of the final rounds of the Chunin Exam. As Naruto trains in preparation for his upcoming match, he hears Jiraiya speak of "the Fourth Hokage's legacy."

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1x171 – Daibôken! Yondaime no isan o sagase - Kôhen

Naruto and the others take on the oncoming challenges in order to find the secret technique and break the previous record set by the Fourth Hokage. But Naruto's impulsive action leads the group into various troubles.

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1x172 – Deai

Naruto comes face to face with Nagato and Konan. Naruto, wanting to confront the problem of their hate-filled ninja world, asks to hear Nagato's side of the story before coming up with an answer.

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1x173 – Pein tanjô

To fulfill their dream, Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan walk through the war zone in search of Jiraiya, hoping to learn ninjutsu from him. After completing their training, the three form an organization with Yahiko as its leader.

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1x174 – Uzumaki Naruto monogatari

Naruto remains silent after learning of Nagato's painful past. Nagato claims true peace cannot exist in this cursed world, dismissing Jiraiya's ideal as nothing more than wishful thinking.

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1x175 – Konoha no eiyû

Nagato, having decided to believe in Naruto's word, performs his last forbidden jutsu: Gedo Art Rinne Rebirth.

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1x176 – Kako-hen ~Konoha no kiseki~ Shinmai kyôshi Iruka

The Leaf Village is left in ruins in the wake of Pain's assault on the village. While cleaning through the remains of Ninja Academy, Iruka finds an old pillar and recognizes it as a memoir from Naruto's early years at the academy.

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1x177 – Kako-hen ~Konoha no kiseki~ Iruka no shiren

Naruto spends his days competing with Sasuke, the academy's star student, only to screw up and be the laughingstock of the class. Due to the childhood trauma of losing his parents to the Nine-Tailed Fox, Iruka finds it difficult to interact with Naruto as his student.

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1x178 – Kako-hen ~Konoha no kiseki~ Iruka no ketsui

Naruto takes up his classmates' dare to venture into the forest and retrieve an item from dead enemy ninja, unaware that the forest is dangerous.

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1x179 – Kako-hen ~Konoha no kiseki~ Tantô Jônin Hatake Kakashi

An emergency council is held before the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire. The topic is to discuss plans to rebuild the Leaf Village, and Danzo strongly urges the council to select a new Hokage to replace Tsunade.

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1x180 – Kako-hen ~Konoha no kiseki~ Inari, tamesureru yûki

The Leaf ninja work to rebuild the Hidden Leaf Village. While helping with the restoration, Naruto and Sakura are reunited with two old friends--the carpenter Tazuna and his grandson Inari from the Land of Waves.

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1x181 – Kako-hen ~Konoha no kiseki~ Naruto, adauchi shinanjuku

Team 7 stops in a town for some rest, where they encounter a man named Tsukado who is out to avenge the death of his relative.

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1x182 – Gaara "kizuna"

Gaara, recalling a past mission carried out with the Leaf's Team 7, points out that the Leaf Village has Naruto with them.

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1x183 – Naruto: Autobureiko

Naruto visits Sakura, who is caring for Tsunade. Sakura recalls an incident that took place three years before, in which she collapsed from symptoms that resembled a disease caused by a mysterious virus.

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1x184 – Shutsugeki! Tenten-han

Tenten and Neji head for the Leaf Ninja Tool Research Lab to procure ninja tools necessary for rebuilding the Leaf Village.

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1x185 – Animaru bangaichi

Condor, the ostrich previously captured by Team 7, now lives in a forest with baby ostriches. Since his last escape, Condor has trained himself to become a ninja ostrich.

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1x186 – Aa, seishun no kanpôgan

After accidentally finishing off Lee's last special youth drink, Naruto asks Guy to make more, only to learn one of its key ingredients, the Jofuku Flower, is out of stock. Naruto is determined to get the Jofuku Flower for Lee's sake.

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1x187 – Dokonjô shitei shûgyô-hen

Jiraiya takes Naruto to a village in the hopes of teaching him how to counter the Sharingan's genjutsu attack.

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1x188 – Dokonjô shitei ninpû-roku

Naruto and Jiraiya attempt to save a village from Kandachi, a former right-hand man to Hanzo of the Hidden Rain.

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1x189 – Sasuke no nikukyû taizen

Granny Cat requests that Sasuke and Team 7 collect the last cat paw print necessary to complete the "Paw Encyclopedia."

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1x190 – Naruto to rôhei

Naruto is assigned to a team led by jonin Hayama to patrol the north border of the Leaf Village. One of his teammates is Kosuke, an old man who has been a genin for over fifty years, earning him the title "Eternal Genin."

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1x191 – Kakashi koi-uta

A beautiful kunoichi spy named Hanare is captured for attempting to gather intel on the Hidden Leaf.

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1x192 – Neji gaiden

During the Chunin Exam, Neji rests in the medical room, having lost to Naruto. Just as Tenten comes in to check up on him, they see the Leaf Village attacked by Orochimaru and his men.

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1x193 – Nida shinda otoko

On his way home Naruto comes across a rock pasted with a peculiar talisman, which he tears off without thinking. That night, Naruto is surprised to find an amnesic ghost standing near his bed.

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1x194 – Saiaku no nininsankyaku

Team 7 is after a group of thieves who have stolen the precious Golden Statue from the Feudal Lord's sister.

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1x195 – Renkei, daijûppan

Team 7 and Team 10 are assigned to help a village that is troubled by bandits.

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1x196 – Yami e no shissô

Sasuke remembers meeting a young girl named Naho.

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1x197 – Rokudaime Hokage Danzô

Naruto wants to help Karui and Omoi find their master but refuses to tell them what he knows about Sasuke.

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1x198 – Gokage kaidan zen'ya

Karui and Omoi of the Hidden Cloud press Naruto to give information regarding Sasuke. Naruto realizes they're motivated by wanting to save their captured master, but decides he cannot sell out his friend. Instead, Naruto offers himself as a punching bag for Karui and Omoi to abuse to their hearts' content.

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1x199 – Gokage tojô!

Kage from each nation set out to attend the Five Kage Summit.

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1x200 – Naruto no tangan

To prevent the cycle of hatred bound to occur should Sasuke be killed, Naruto goes to the Raikage and begs him to forgive Sasuke, but the Raikage quickly dismisses the request.

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1x201 – Kujû no ketsudan

Mifune calls for the formation of the Allied Shinobi Forces to counter the Akatsuki and proposes the Hokage to lead them. Meanwhile, Sai reveals Naruto's actions to Sakura.

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1x202 – Hashiru ikazuchi

Madara, who has taken an interest in Naruto, makes a sudden appearance before Naruto and reveals the truth behind Itachi's actions. Meanwhile, the samurai learn of Sasuke and his team Taka's entry into the Land of Iron, and battle ensues between the two groups.

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1x203 – Sasuke no nindô

The truth behind Itachi's actions leaves Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato in shock. Meanwhile in the Land of Iron, Sasuke and the Raikage are fighting a battle to the death when Gaara, the Kazekage, intervenes.

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1x204 – Gokage no chikara

Having blocked the combined attacks of Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and Darui with his Susano'o, Sasuke goes after Danzo.

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1x205 – Sensen fukoku

Madara reveals the origin of the tailed beasts; the TEN TAILS.

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1x206 – Sakura no omoi

The Kage respond to Madara's declaration of war by forming the Allied Shinobi Forces, with the Raikage as their leader. Meanwhile, Sakura arrives in the Land of Iron to speak with Naruto, but her confession surprises him. Elsewhere, Kisame appears before Killer Bee and his master as an unwelcome guest.

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1x207 – Bijû VS o no nai Bijû

Killer Bee engages in a deadly battle against Kisame, who has come to capture the Eight Tails. Kisame reveals to Killer Bee that his weapon, Samehada, possesses the ability to rob and convert enemy chakra into the wielder's own strength. Now infused with more strength, Kisame shows his true power as the Tailless Tailed Beast. Elsewhere, while in pursuit of Danzo, Ao falls into Foo's deadly trap.

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1x208 – Tomo to shite

As Sai rats out on Sakura, Naruto hyperventilates. Meanwhile, Madara and Sasuke make their assault on Danzo and his bodyguards.

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1x209 – Danzô no migiude

Kakashi races to stop Sakura from fighting Sasuke herself leading Narutoto over think the situation and pass out. Meanwhile, Sasuke battles Danzo, but there's something strange about his opponent.

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1x210 – Kinjirareta dôjutsu

Danzo's uncanny jutsu prevents Sasuke from landing a clean hit on his enemy. As Karin attempts to analyze Danzo's jutsu, Madara recognizes it as Izanagi, the Uchiha's forbidden Visual Jutsu and ultimate genjutsu technique that enables the user to control the space between fantasy and reality.

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1x211 – Shimura Danzô

Danzo believes he's won the battle against Sasuke. Little does he realize, Sasuke placed him under genjutsu before they last exchanged blows. Not knowing his Izanagi has already expired, Danzo finds himself severely wounded and beginning to lose control over the First Hokage's cells inside of him. Still determined to survive and achieve his goal, Danzo decides to take Karin as a hostage.

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1x212 – Sakura no kakugo

Having tracked down Sasuke's whereabouts with Kiba's nose, Sakura attempts to put her allies to sleep and carry out the task of killing Sasuke herself. As Sakura heads toward Sasuke, she begins to recollect her fond memories of Team 7.

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1x213 – Ushinawareta kizuna

Memories from his childhood course through Naruto's mind as he rests to recover from his hyperventilation. Now realizing what it means to gain something dear and then lose it, Naruto sneaks out of the inn to follow behind Sakura and Kakashi to find Sasuke.

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1x214 – Seoubeki omoni

Sakura tells Sasuke that she wishes to desert the village and join him. A skeptical Sasuke tells Sakura he will believe her if she can finish off Karin. When Sakura hesitates to do so, Sasuke attacks her with Chidori but is stopped by Kakashi, who has arrived in the nick of time.

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1x215 – Shukumei no futari

Naruto reproaches Sasuke for attempting to kill Sakura. Then Sasuke reveals that he killed Danzo with his own hands. He goes on to declare his intent to purify the Uchiha Clan's name by annihilating the Hidden Leaf, whom he holds responsible for dishonoring the Uchiha Clan. Naruto, ignoring Kakashi's order to leave with Sakura, charges toward Sasuke with his Rasengan.

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1x216 – Ichiryû no shinobi

After White Zetsu prevents Naruto from defeating Sasuke, Naruto throws his goal of becoming Hokage away and refuses to kill Sasuke just to end his life as a renegade.

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1x217 – Sen'nyûsha

Killer Bee returns to the Hidden Cloud Village to the delight of Omoi and Karui. He has brought Kisame's sword, Samehada, with him. Bee believes the sword has taken a liking to him but is unaware that this is all just part of the Akatsuki's plan. Meanwhile, Sai informs the Leaf Shinobi of Danzo's fate.

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1x218 – Ugokidasu taikoku

The formation of the Allied Shinobi Forces is ratified by the Feudal Lords of the Five Great Nations. Each Kage returns to their village to prepare for the coming war. Meanwhile, Naruto has returned to the Leaf Village and asks Shikamaru to gather up his friends.

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1x219 – Hokage Hatake Kakashi

The Elder declares Kakashi Hatake as the 6th Hokage.

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1x220 – Ôgama sen'nin no yogen

Naruto is summoned to Mt. Myoboku to face the Great Elder. Meanwhile, Tsunade calls a meeting to discuss the inevitable war with the Akatsuki.

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1x221 – Kurairi

Anko and a group on Leaf ninja discover Madara's location. At the same time Kabuto requests partnership with Madara in the upcoming war. Madara is unable to say no. Meanwhile Naruto continues to remain in Mt. Myobuko.

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1x222 – Gokage no ketsudan

The five Kage make the decision to keep Bee and Naruto out of the war. Meanwhile, Naruto and Yamato are taken to a remote island for training.

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1x223 – Seinen to umi

Naruto, Yamato, Might Guy and Aoba are ready to depart for the remote island. When suddenly, Aoba and Guy are attacked by a giant marlin.

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1x224 – Benisu no shônin

Guy becomes extremely seasick resulting in a stop at a nearby island. Naruto finds Sakura, Ino and Choji who are on their own special mission.

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1x225 – Norowareta no yûreisen

Naruto and the crew encounter a ghost ship. After boarding Naruto comes into contact with a boy called Hishaku who's shipmates were killed by a giant sea creature.

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1x226 – Senkan no shima

Naruto's ship gets caught in a unique storm. The storm is the work of a group of savage pirates. After barely escaping their clutches, the crew wash up on an island which seems to have a devastating history.

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1x227 – Bôkyaku no shima

Naruto's ship is caught in another storm, when suddenly Guy is taken by a giant bird to a nearby island. After investigating the island Naruto finds that everything is a little bigger than normal.

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1x228 – Tatakae Rokku Rî!

Guy remembers a terrible incident that may ruin Rock Lee's view of him. He continues training Rock Lee but the training all seems to relate to the terrible incident.

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1x229 – Kuu ka kuwaweru ka! Odoru kinoko jigoku

Naruto's ship stops at a port to resupply. With no food everyone is starving. All seems fixed when Naruto purchases some Mushrooms. But that was only the start of a sudden flow of problems.

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1x230 – Kage no gyakushû

Naruto's ship is caught in another storm. This time Naruto uses his shadow clones to defend the ship from harm. After the storm, Naruto becomes his own worst enemy and his shadow clones turn on him.

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1x231 – Tozasareta kôro

Naruto's ship is caught in an obstacle field of reefs and a whirlpools. Shikamaru is along for the ride and the situation helps teach him a lesson.

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1x232 – Konoha no joshikai

Tenten gets all the girls together to reminisce. Kiba also holds a get together for the boys to reminisce. meanwhile, Tsunade meets with the Fuedal Lord.

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1x233 – Sanjô, nise? Naruto

Naruto's reputation is on the line as he is faced with a law breaking impostor claiming to be him.

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1x234 – Naruto no manadeshi

Konohamaru seeking to prove himself as a powerful ninja, challenges Temari to a battle. Things heat up as Temari taunts Konohamaru.

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1x235 – Nadeshiko no Kunoichi

Kokuyo craves leadership of a village through Shizuka's hand in marriage. Shizuka rejects his offers many times. Naruto then is forced into a battle for Shizuka's hand in marriage.

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1x236 – Nakama no senaka

Shino begins to reminisce about a mission he once took part in with Naruto, in which he learns the true meaning of friends and teammates.

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1x237 – Aa, Akogare no Tsunade-Sama

Tenten reminisces about the time when she craved to be like Lady Tsunade, only finding out that all her characteristics didn't align with Tsunade's.

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1x238 – Sai no kyûsoku

Sai is given the day off. He reminisces on his bonds with his friends, and ends up using his artistic skills to display his feeling of the the bond.

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1x239 – Densetsu no Ino-Shika-Chô

Shikamaru, Ino and Choji reminisce on their time with Kosuke Maruboshi, and their time creating the Ino-Shika-Cho technique.

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1x240 – Kiba no ketsui

Kiba is upset at the overbearing success of Naruto and seeks out Kakashi to help him train. Kakashi summons his dogs to spar with Kiba and Akamaru. The pair retreat to a spot that Kiba knows very well.

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1x241 – Kakashi, waga eien no raibaru yo

Guy is extremely sea sick and accidentally sends an SOS turtle to get Kakashi's help.

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1x242 – Naruto no chikai

During a stop for supplies, Naruto meets Akatsuchi and Kurotsuchi of the Hidden Stone. They are on an important mission to deliver a letter from the Tsuchikage to the Mizukage.

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1x243 – Jôriku! Rakuen no shima?

Naruto finally arrives to the island and meet Killer B.

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1x244 – Kirâ Bî to Motoi

Motoi tells Naruto and Yamato a story about him and Killer B.

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1x245 – Saranaru shiren! Naruto VS Kyûbi!!

Naruto will face the Kyûbi with the guidance of Killer B, but first he needs to face his own inner hatred.

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1x246 – Orenji-iro no kagayaki

Naruto continues his fight against the Nine-Tails and makes an unexpected encounter.

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1x247 – Nerawareta Kyûbi

With the help of his mother, Naruto fights the Nine-Tails. Then, Kushina start telling the story of the day her son was born.

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1x248 – Yondaime no shitô!!

The story of the day Naruto was born continues: the mysterious masked ninja makes his move and chaos ensues at Konoha Village.

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1x249 – Arigatô

The story of the day Naruto was born comes to an end: the situation at Konoha is critical and Minato is willing to do anything to save his newborn son and the village.

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1x250 – Chinjû VS Kaijin! Rakuen no tatakai!

Guy arrives at the Waterfall of Truth to help Naruto with his training. Instead he encounters Kisame, who has infiltrated the island to locate Naruto and Killer Bee. Guy tries to prevent Kisame from delivering intel to the Akatsuki, and a battle ensues between the two.

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1x251 – Kisame to iu otoko

Kisame's escape is prevented thanks to Guy's efforts. Aoba enters Kisame's mind to gather intel on the Akatsuki. In the process he learns about the ex-Hidden Mist ninja's bloody past.

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1x252 – Shi e izanu tenshi

Madara appears in the Hidden Rain Village seeking the corpse of Nagato and his Rinnegan. Anticipating his arrival, Konan engages in battle to protect her beloved friends and to stop Madara's plot to bring chaos into the world.

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1x253 – Heiwa e no kakehashi

Konan fights Tobi (Madara).

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1x254 – Do S-kyû gokuhi ninmu

The Leaf and Cloud ninja prepare to relocate Naruto and Bee, as the Akatsuki may already have knowledge of their location. Aoba assigns Naruto an S-rank mission to distract him from learning about their true mission: keeping the two Jinchuriki hidden from the enemy.

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1x255 – Geijutsuka futatabi

Kabuto and a reanimated Deidara attempt to grab hold of the jinchuriki, but are stopped by the Tsuchikage, who has come to protect Naruto.

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1x256 – Shûketsu! Shinobi rengô-gun!

The Tsuchikage and his team manage to safeguard the Jinchuriki, but at the cost of losing Yamato to the enemy. Meanwhile, both the Allied Shinobi Forces and the Akatsuki complete their final preparations for battle. The Fourth Great Ninja War is about to begin.

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1x257 – Deai

A look back into the early years when Naruto and Sasuke first met and got to know each other.

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1x258 – Raibaru

During the Chunin Exam, Sasuke witnesses Naruto's growth as a shinobi and comes to acknowledge his teammate as a rival that he doesn't want to lose to.

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1x259 – Kiretsu

Sasuke's defeat to Gaara, and later Itachi, forces him to realize that he is not strong enough to get revenge against his older brother. To make matters worse, his jealousy of Naruto's growth deepens Sasuke's thirst for power.

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1x260 – Ribetsu

Naruto and Sasuke clash in battle.

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1x261 – Tomo no tame ni

The Allied Shinobi Forces are on standby, ready to confront Madara's army of reanimated shinobi and 100,000 White Zetsu. But distrust still exists among the Allied Shinobi Forces, who were once sworn enemies until recently. To foster unity among the troops, Gaara delivers a speech about the reasons why he is fighting, and what it means for the future of all shinobi.

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1x262 – Kaisen!

Kankuro's commando unit enters enemy territory to set up a stronghold for the Allied Shinobi Forces. They are immediately ambushed by the Akatsuki's own commando unit comprised of the reanimated Deidara and Sasori. The Fourth Great Ninja War has officially begun.

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1x263 – Sai to Shin

The Allied Shinobi Forces' commando unit engages with the Akatsuki in the first wave of battle. During the fight, Sai is reunited with his brother Shin who has been reanimated and is now under the Akatsuki's control.

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1x264 – Edo Tensei no himitsu

Under the guidance of Killer Bee, Naruto enters the final stage of training to master the Tailed Beast Bomb, a Jinchuriki's most powerful technique. Meanwhile, Kabuto agrees to divulge the secret behind the Reanimation Jutsu to Madara as a token of trust.

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1x265 – Shukuteki to no saikai

The commando unit is in hot water as they engage the reanimated Kekkei Genkai shinobi, which include Zabuza Momochi and Haku. Luckily, Kakashi and his unit arrive in time to assist them. Realizing they no longer have control over their bodies, Haku and Zabuza implore Kakashi to stop them at all costs.

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1x266 – Saisho no teki, saigo no teki

Kakashi and his unit devise a strategy to take on the Kekkei Genkai shinobi, but it's foiled by Kabuto, who uses the Reanimation Jutsu to summon the most powerful members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. As the battle intensifies, Kakashi is determined to bring an end to this meaningless war and free the souls of Zabuza and Haku.

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1x267 – Konoha no tensai gunshi

The Akatsuki dispatch an army of powerful reanimated shinobi and White Zetsu across the war zone, causing chaos within the Allied Shinobi Forces' chain of command. Taking the matter seriously, the Raikage plans to join the battle but is halted by Shikaku Nara, who quickly devises a strategy to deal with the situation.

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1x268 – Sorezore no gekisen!!

The Feudal Lords gather at a fortified palace, and Black Zetsu arrives at the outside. Black Zetsu infiltrates the fortress but the Lords were fake and forces himself to escape from the premises and maintains his surveillance on the ground. Meanwhile at the coastline, White Zetsus and the undead ninjas start their assault. Hyuga Hizashi confronts his brother Hiashi and reiterates that his death is for the sake of the entire Hyuga clan. At the desert, orders from headquarters telling Shikamaru to assist Darui's division and Temari becomes worried as they're facing a ...

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1x269 – NG wâdo

Atsui, Samui, and Darui face off against Kinkaku and Ginkaku, the legendary brothers from the Hidden Cloud, feared even by the Raikage. Using the Five Treasured Tools of the Sage of Six Paths, the brothers quickly defeat Atsui and Samui, leaving Darui to fight on his own.

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1x270 – Konjiki no kizuna

Having transformed into a pseudo-Nine-Tails in response to his brother being sealed, Kinhaku starts his rampage with Darui's division unable to content with the stronger foe despite their attempts. At the headquarters, Mabui, A's handpicked secretary, uses her object teleportation jutsu to transfer the sealing pot known as the Kohaku no Johei to Darui. Still at the coastline, the Kohaku no Johei arrives and so is the half of the Fourth Division to assist Darui's division. Darui manages to seal Kinkaku with the help of Ino-Shika-Cho. But Kakuzu arrives to face ...

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1x271 – ROAD to SAKURA

Sakura falls from a great height and gets amnesia. Ino tries to help her remember.

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1x272 – Mifune VS Hanzô

As the Surprise Attack Division attempt to retreat the the rendezvous point, they are chased by Akatsuki's reinforcements. Summoning his salamander Ibuse, Hanzou orders it to attack. Unleashing a paralyzing mist of poison, the division is rendered paralyzed and left at Hanzou's mercy. However Mifune and his division soon arrive and he deflects the would-be devastating blow. Conversing about the past and the paths they had chosen to walk, as the two trade blows, Mifune is able to break Hanzou's sickle and respirator. Finally remembering his encounter with Mifune in ...

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1x273 – Hontô no yasashisa

Izumo and Kotetsu arrive and manage to bind Kakuzu. As they ask Ino-Shika-Cho to help seal the constrained Kakuzu, Shikaku interferes and tells them to handle Kakuzu with Darui whilst Ino-Shika-Cho confront their sensei Asuma Sarotobi. They recall their previous spar with Asuma when they're genin and Asuma lecturing Choji about his kindness. Shikamaru also recollects his past in protecting his comrades and Ino thinking about Asuma's last words which she should must guide Shikamaru and Choji. Other ninjas try to subdue Asuma but they were failed and the Ino-Shika-Cho ...

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1x274 – Kanpeki na Ino-Shika-Chô

The reunion of Ino-Shika-Cho to their sensei Asuma continues as Choji somewhat loses his will to fight. Ino manages to enter Choji's mind and tells that the meaning of their earrings that Asuma gave to them years ago. After Shikamaru recalling Asuma's last words, he scolded Choji and telling that they're not the ones to be protected but to stand up and protect others. Choji continues to recollect his past, about his kindness and the oath of being the next head of the Akamichi clan, and the butterfly who started as a simple yet kind caterpillar. Filled by his resolve, ...

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1x275 – Kokoro no naka no tegami

Naruto leaves his training hall but being blocked by shinobi guards. Aburame Shibi insists Naruto to go back but Iruka arrives and attempts to fool Naruto. However, Naruto didn't believe on Iruka and using his Sage Mode he manages to leave the cave. Naruto was restrained via a shadow jutsu and Iruka continues to convince Naruto. Iruka gives Naruto's headband which he is about to restrain Naruto, but Naruto overpowers the group and leaves. On his headband, Naruto reads the letter from Iruka telling that he should come back alive. Iruka asks Bee a favor to protect him. ...

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1x276 – Gedô mazô no shûrai

With Kakashi's return, Naruto resumes training for his new jutsu. Kakashi explains that the transformation training will enter the next stage.

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1x277 – Wakai no In

Naruto and Nine Tails engage in a heated conversation. Nine Tails continues to berate Naruto about hatred and Sasuke's hatred. They recall Naruto's first spar with Sasuke which Naruto didn't do anything but to continue raise Sasuke's anger in Nine Tails' opinion. Naruto fully confronts Nine Tails telling him that he will manage to do something about the ensuing war, Sasuke's hatred and even Nine Tails' hatred.

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1x278 – Nerawareta iryô ninja

As night falls in the Ninja War, Madara's next phase with White Zetsu begins. Over at the Medical Unit camp, Sakura and the other medic ninja work nonstop to treat the wounded. Neji is there to recover from overusing his Byakugan.

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1x279 – Shiro Zetsu no torappu

Kiba, Hinata and Shino get trapped in a cave that seems to act like a hole in the barrier. What really awaits them is white zestu's sinister plan to take them down and further infiltrate the camp.

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1x280 – Geijutsu ka no bigaku

Back at the Fifth Company's camp, Kurotsuchi attempts to negotiate with the captive Deidara to find out Kabuto's location, but is quickly rebuffed. When Deidara learns that Sasuke survived his ultimate art explosion, he plans an escape with help from a White Zetsu.

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1x281 – Kâ-chan rengô-gun!!

Konohamaru participates in a meeting organized by Ebisu in Konoha of the remaining villagers, mostly including the children and wives. Ebisu attempts to rally everyone's' spirits together in the event that rogue ninja should attack the village while their shinobi families are away at war, but the mothers scoff and claim that they will protect the village as they always have while their husbands fought. Suddenly Konohamaru is approached by several children, each claiming to have seen terrifying rogue ninja roaming the east and west forests outside Konoha. He tries to ...

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1x282 – Hiwa: Saikyô taggu!!

Tsunade and the Raikage arrive to prevent Naruto and Killer Bee from joining the battle. But the two Kage fail to convince the Jinchuriki to turn back, forcing the Raikage to use extreme force.

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1x283 – Futatsu no taiyô!!

Fourth Raikage Ay attacks Naruto in an attempt to prevent the Jinchuriki from falling into Madara's hands. Ay is unwilling to listen to either Tsunade or Killer Bee's pleas to change his mind.

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1x284 – Kabuto wari! Akebino jinin

During the night, Kakashi tells his squad to take a rest but maintain their awareness. Two shinobi arrive from HQ bringing an enormous item to Kakashi and then he hands it over to Sai, with Lee assigned to be his bodyguard, to aid in sealing the reanimated ninja. Sai becomes stressful as he recalls a seal variation of his Super Beast Scroll ability that requires emotional energy that can be harmful if not in a controlled state of mind. At dawn, the reanimated ninja sprawl out and resume killing Allied ninja on the field. Among the enemies is Akebino Jinin who is being...

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1x285 – Shakuton tsukai! Sunagakure no Pakura

In a flashback, the Hidden Sand Village celebrates Pakura for her victory against the Hidden Stone village. Maki, Pakura's student, wants to train with her despite being tired from the previous skirmish and Pakura praises Maki for her fighting prowess. After their sparring match, Pakura advises Maki to be strong so she can protect her loved ones and the village. Meanwhile, in a meeting of Hidden Sand officials they stress about a truce with the Hidden Mist village despite it is against in their favor and suggest Pakura to solve the issue. However, as Maki was told, ...

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1x286 – Torimodosenai mono

Tsunade takes the third Raikage one-on-one at Skandenberg.

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1x287 – Kakeru ni ataisuru mono

As she listens on to the events of A and his followers ambushed by a ninja group known as the Nokizaru, Tsunade realizes the nature of the insect as a bomb with another inside A. After explaining this and having A make a promise to her, Tsunade catches and destroys a bug which had been hovering near A for some time - unbeknownst to them that the Nokizaru had been using it as a method to spy on them. Preparing to operate, Tsunade has Shizune lead the surgery while she oversaw it. Though A initially protested, believing that Tsunade should perform the surgery, the ...

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1x288 – Kyôi, Jinpachi - Kushimaru konbi!!

Kakashi races to the scene where the Seven Ninja Swordsmen Kushimaru Kuriarare and Jinpachi Munashi were last sighted.

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1x289 – Raiken!! Ringo Ameyuri

As Guy and Kakashi prepare to regroup their forces, they receive word that one of the units were engaged in battle with Ameyuri Ringo and decide to head to that location. Elsewhere, Ameyuri merciless attacks the members of Yurui's unit. With Yurui dead and only a handful of members left, the new leader of the team Nurui decides that they should escape as they were no match for one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist. As they flee, Omoi who believes that they should stand and fight, gets into an argument with Nurui and Kayui tries to quell the argument, but, Omoi ...

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1x290 – "Chikara" Episode 1

Taking place in the aftermath of the Kage Summit, Team Kakashi is sent out on a mission by Tsunade to a location known as "The Hole" to investigate an incident where its people were killed. Regretting that she could not assign more people to the mission because of recent incidents elsewhere, the team sets out nonetheless. While there, they split up into two teams, with Yamato and Sai encountering officers from the neighboring Hachou Village where Shiseru and her team, after learning they are from Konoha shinobi, escort them to their village leader Disonasu. Elsewhere,...

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1x291 – "Chikara" Episode 2

While investigating the village near Tonika, Kabuto confronts Naruto. An epic battle erupts as Kabuto uses the forbidden Reanimation Jutsu against Naruto. In the meantime, Dokku and the five survivors lie low at the village where Mina learns a particular melody that she keeps playing on the xylophone. Naruto manages to get to know Dokku and the children despite an initial misunderstanding. As they talk, he learns about the legend surrounding the Hole and the Mystic Power.

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1x292 – "Chikara" Episode 3

Naruto and Sakura decide to stay at Shiseru's house overnight to help watch over the survivors. Although the children cry and miss their deceased parents, Dokku and Shiseru try hard to bring everyone together as a new family. Suddenly Naruto falls gravely ill, and Mina demands that he leave at once.

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1x293 – "Chikara" Episode 4

A clone possessing the Nine Tails' chakra emerges from Naruto's body. Seeking more power, the clone goes on a rampage, destroying everything in its path. Will the Leaf ninja be able to stop this powerful clone?!

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1x294 – "Chikara" Episode 5

The Saezuri is revealed and activated. Exposing Kabuto is exposed as the true enemy, and summons the Nine-Tailed Naruto Clone, Hidan, and Deidara. Naruto and his team mates become engaged in a fierce battle.

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1x295 – "Chikara" Episode Final

The Nine-Tailed Naruto Clone mutates into a hydra-tail nearly completely taking over Naruto's consciousness. Meanwhile, Dokku and Shiseru decide to sacrifice themselves to deactivate the Ama no Hoko.

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1x296 – Naruto, sansen!!

Naruto enters the battle to defeat the white zetsu's impostors. Naruto uses a range of new techniques.

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1x297 – Chichi no omoi, haha no ai

Gaara engages the four Kage including his father. Gaara updates his father on his life. Gaara's father is in shock and chooses to test Gaara's strength.

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1x298 – Tsuini sesshoku!! Naruto VS Itachi

Nagato and Itachi meet Naruto and Killer Bee while under Kabuto's control. They are forced into battle and Itachi is able to free himself from the control of Kabuto.

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1x299 – Mitomi rareshi mono

Naruto is on the verge of losing his soul to Nagato. Killer Bee and Itachi come to his rescue.

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1x300 – Mizukage to Ôhamaguri to Shinkirô

The Second Mizukage and the Third Raikage unleash havoc on the Shinobi forces. The Second Mizukage summons a giant clam that creates a mirage. Gaara faces of against Mu and the shinobi platoon fight the Second Mizukage. Naruto attacks Mu with his Planetary Rasengan. Meanwhile, the Second Mizukage argues with the platoon that they should not attack what they see him and the clam. Gaara arrives and manages to sense the location of the giant clam and Onoki delivers a powerful Earth style punch despite running low on chakra. However Onoki gets exhausted and the Second ...

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1x301 – Mujun

A viscous battle against the third Raikage begins. Can the Shinobi Forces seal one of the strongest shinobis of all time.

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1x302 – Kyôfu joukibôi

The battle against the Second Mizukage rages on. Elsewhere, everything has come to a standstill in the face of many White Zetsu clones infiltrating shinobi ranks, especially at the Logistical Support and Medical Divisions.

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1x303 – Kako no bôrei

Otogakure's Sound Four is reincarnated on the battlefield. The now grown up members of the Sasuke Retrieval Team dominate their opponents. However, a seal activates around the defeated shinobi and Kiba, Akamaru, Neji, Shikamaru, and Choji.

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1x304 – Yomi Tenshin no jutsu

Neji, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, and Akamaru arrive in another location surrounded by the sound four. Whom seem a lot stronger than before.

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1x305 – Fukushûsha

Time is running out for the Leaf shinobi whose souls are trapped inside the Sound Four's barrier. Ino and Shino exhaust their own chakra to keep their friends alive.

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1x306 – Kokoro no me

Hinata remembers the time that Neji protected her when they were younger, when Neji was left in charge of Hinata's training.

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1x307 – Gekkô ni keyu

Summoning a confused Hayate Gekko, who died at the time of the Chunnin exams, Kabuto pairs him up with a cloud and sound ninja and sends them into battle.

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1x308 – Mikazuki no yoru

Hayate fights against Yugao in a battle of swords.

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1x309 – A-kûy ninmu: Gozen-jiai

Naruto arrives to help a team of Allied Shinobi Forces led by Karui, who are struggling against a reanimated samurai, whom Naruto recognizes as a man named Tatewaki he met on a previous mission. A flashback entails.

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1x310 – Rakujô

Naruto's flashback of Tatewaki continues.

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1x311 – Prologue of Road to Ninja

This episode is a Prologue to the Naruto Shippuden movie 'Road to Ninja'. It begins with Tobi speaking with Zetsu about testing out a limited, trial-version of the "Infinite Tsukuyomi".

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1x312 – Rôjin to ryû no me

Still searching thoroughly for any remaining factions of the enemy, the Third Division came across another reincarnated shinobi: Master Chen - a renown hero of Konohagakure who was thought to have died during the Third Shinobi World War.

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1x313 – Ame nochi yuki, tokidoki kaminari

A young boy called Yota appears in three different places in front of the people he once knew. Yota is gifted in regards to weather abilities.

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1x314 – Kanashî tenki ame

Another Yota appears in front of Naruto who suspects the one in front of him is the only real Yota.

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1x315 – Nagori yuki

The flashbacks of Yota continue until the leaf ninja finally put an end to the story of Yota.

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1x316 – Edo Tensei rengô-gun!!

Kabuto summons his group of 'failed attempts' to recover his power ninja who have been sealed.

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1x317 – Shino VS Torune!!

Shino verses a gifted reincarnated relative from the foundation.

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1x318 – Kokoro no ana môhitori no Jinchûriki

Fukai, the previous host of the eight tails, appears to fight Bee.Killer Bee is overconfident until Fukai reveals that he still has the eight tails chakra.

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1x319 – Kugutsu ni yadoru tamashî

The Fifth Division led by Mifune is confronted by the reanimated Kimimaro. While Kankuro fights against lady Chiyo.

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1x320 – Hashire Omoi

Thousands of White Zetsu overrun a group of ninja. Seven child ninja from the cloud head towards the battle as reinforcements. When Omoi hears this he runs of to find the children.

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1x321 – Zôen tôchaku

Naruto's Kage Bunshin finally arrives at every battlefield to help identify the White Zetsus. An unexpected and shocking surprise is revealed.

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1x322 – Uchiha Madara

Madara is revived through Edo Tensei, Kazekage Gaara and Tsuchikage Ônoki are forced to fight him.

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1x323 – Gokage shûketsu...!!

Hokage Tsunade, Raikage A and Mizukage Mei joins Kazekage Gaara and Tsuchikage Ônoki in the battlefield to fight against Edo Tensei Madara.

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1x324 – Warenai Kamen: Wareta Shabondama

Naruto and Killer B meet Tobi and the six former Jinchûriki revived through Edo Tensei. The story of how Akatsuki captured the Rokubi Jinchûriki, Utakata, is shown (filler).

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1x325 – Jinchûriki VS Jinchûriki!!

Naruto and Killer B fights against Tobi and the six Jinchûriki that now holds the power of the six Pain.

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1x326 – Yonbi: Sen'nen no Ô

Naruto, Killer B and the Hachibi receives aid from Kakashi and Gai to fight the Jinchûriki in biju mode. Meanwhile, Sasuke decides to go outside and test his new eyes.

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1x327 – Kyûbi

Kurama the Kyûbi recalls his struggle to release himself from the seal through Naruto's life.

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1x328 – Kurama

With the battle receding at their end, Sakura and Shizune depart to assist Naruto and Bee. Elsewhere, realizing that Naruto is inside the Four-Tails, Tobi tries absorbing them both, although Naruto exits the Four-Tails' body by having him regurgitate due to his Multi-Shadow Clone Technique. Inside his subconscious, Son reveals to Naruto that the chakra rod is stuck at the base of his neck while in Tailed-Beast form and Naruto locates and starts pulling it out, with resistance from Tobi. Silently observing all that transpires, Kurama recalls Naruto's past achievements ...

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1x329 – Tsû man seru

Naruto succeeds in removing and destroying Son's chakra receiver, but is upset on learning that Son still isn't free. Son leaves him a gift before being resealed into the Gedo Statue. Intent on going full-out, Tobi has all the other jinchuuriki fully transform into their tailed beasts. Kurama offers to lend Naruto more of its power, and is annoyed that Naruto thanks it for the earlier help against Madara. Naruto and Kurama meld their chakra, and Naruto notifies B and Gyuuki that they still have a lot of power left to use. Gyuuki wonders if Naruto and Kurama are ...

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1x330 – Shôri e no yogen

Tobi is confused by Naruto's claim of learning difficult names, which Naruto teases him for. Guy and Kakashi discuss now Naruto's progress is making them feel old, though not that old. Tobi begins to sweat, but believes it to be the rain that's starting to fall. Tobi gets a strange feeling from Naruto, and concludes that the war will make everything irrelevant. At the Allied Shinobi's HQ, Naruto's use of Kurama's chakra was felt, though they also feel something else. Ao relays to events to Shikaku, who wants to use it to raise the army's morale all at once, despite ...

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1x331 – Yami o miru me

Suigetsu finds something interesting and alongside Jûgo they go look for Sasuke. Sasuke is able to test once again his new Mangekyo Sharingan against White Zetsus and learns about the war.

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1x332 – Ishi no ishi

Tsuchikage Ônoki remembers how he inherited the Will of Stone and gather strength to fight Madara. Sasuke encounters his late brother Itachi (revived through Edo Tensei) and pursue him looking for answers. Madara reveals something that enrages Tsunade.

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1x333 – Edo Tensei no risuku

Tsunade leaves her post as Medic Ninja to join the other Kage in fighting Madara. Meanwhile, Sasuke goes after Itachi and learns that his brother intends on stopping Kabuto�۪s Reanimation Jutsu alone.

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1x334 – Kyôdai taggu!!

Itachi and Sasuke stand as a united front, confronting Kabuto. The two activate their Susanoo respectively and attack Kabuto. Kabuto reveals that he had developed a similar ability to the Houzuki clan's Hydrification Technique as well as replicated Karin's healing abilities and Juugo's ability to absorb natural energy. To Itachi's shock, Kabuto noted that he had discovered the Ryuuchi Cave and trained under the White Snake Sage, where his master had failed. Sasuke says that Kabuto is nothing different from Orochimaru, a "disgusting" snake. An amused Kabuto stopped him...

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1x335 – Tagai no Konoha

Sasuke and Itachi fights Kabuto. Kabuto rememorates his early childhood.

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1x336 – Yakushi Kabuto

Yakushi Kabuto rememorates how he has become who he is now through the different events in his life.

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1x337 – Hatzudô: Izanami

Sasuke and Itachi fights Kabuto. Itachi uses the Izanami.

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1x338 – Izanagi to Izanami

Itachi explains to Sasuke how the Izanami works and how it is related to the Izanagi.

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1x339 – Imao o zutto aishiteru

Back at the front lines, the five Kage struggle to hold their own against Madara's Susanoo-clad wood clones. Despite these great odds, Oonoki rallies them to fight, noting that they need to fulfill a task at which cannot be failed. Madara realizes that Oonoki is the problem and that he must break his will. With that, the Kage go on the offensive against Madara's clones once more. The situation soon takes a turn for the worst as Madara in turn responded with his full power by activating his final Susanoo and proceeds to using its sword to attack them. Elsewhere at the ...

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1x340 – Edo Tensei: Kai

All across the battlefields, the reincarnated shinobi are being released from the Impure World Reincarnation respectively - which leads Tobi to note Kabuto's failure. Naruto and Killer B take the ascending souls of the previous jinchuuriki as a sign of Itachi's success. Meanwhile, the Kage wonder what was happening, to which Oonoki notes that that without a doubt, someone has stopped the Impure World Reincarnation technique and whomever that did so, is a hero to the shinobi world. Elsewhere, Dan uses his Spirit Transformation Technique to take control of his ...

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1x341 – Fukkatsu!! Orochimaru

Suigetsu proceeds to show Sasuke the scroll that he found at Orochimaru's hideout earlier. After examining its contents, Sasuke's next motive is to meet with Orochimaru and explained to a confused Suigetsu that he is not one to die so easily as he has Jugo's assistance in reviving Orochimaru via the Curse Unsealing ability. Expressing shock that Sasuke would be the one to resurrect him, stating his intent to still take his body if he was in better condition, Orochimaru asserts that he shows no interest in the war. But when Sasuke then shows Orochimaru the scroll he ...

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1x342 – Jikûkan ninjutsu no himitsu

Having absorbed the chakras of all nine Tailed Beasts, the Gedo Statue begins its transformation into Ten Tails.

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1x343 – Temê wa dare da!!

Kakashi is disturbed to discover a strange connection between the masked man's Transportation Technique and his own Kamui Jutsu.

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1x344 – Obito to Madara

Madara has rescued a dying Obito and tells him about his plans.

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1x345 – Ore wa jigoku ni iru

Two White Zetsu helps Obito in his rehabilitation, while they explain more about Madara's plan and bring some news regarding Rin and Kakashi.

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1x346 – Yume no sekai

Still in disbelief over what has happened, Obito walks over towards Rin's body, having slaughtered the Hidden Mist ninja while ignoring the unconscious Kakashi. Obito then cradles Rin's body in his arms and remembers Madara and White Zetsu's words while vowing to change the world into one where she is still alive. After returning to Madara, as the elder Uchiha expected, Obito accepts becoming his apprentice. From there, Madara uses his genjutsu to tell Obito the legend of the Sage of the Six Paths and the Ten-Tails. After teaching Obito the means to summon the Gedo ...

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1x347 – Shinobiyoru kage

Being informed by Kakashi that the orphans he trained are now attempting to bring about change in the Hidden Rain Village through dialogue, Jiraiya expresses hist satisfaction with his students' progress. At the Hidden Rain Village, Kyuusuke brings letters of requests for the Akatsuki's aid to Yahiko, who intends to surpass Hanzo one day. Having learned of the Akatsuki's existence from one of his men, Hanzo expresses his approval for an organization that shares his ideals. Meanwhile, Yahiko, Konan and Nagato head to a small village that was earlier attacked and meet a...

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1x348 – Shinsei: "Akatsuki"

Yahiko and Nagato attend a meeting with the Rain's leader, Hanzou. Other members of Akatsuki discover that Leaf's ANBU shinobi are also meeting with Hanzou, and suspect a possible betrayal. They attempt to catch up with Yahiko and Nagato, only to die at the hands of Zetsu and Obito who wanted Nagato to witness tragic reality just like Obito had when he'd witnessed Rin die at Kakashi's hand. Leaf's Root Division and their leader Danzou are revealed to have plotted with Hanzou to end the Akatsuki's rebellion, capturing Konan and giving Nagato an ultimatum: kill Yahiko ...

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1x349 – Kokoro o kakusu men

After the end of the Third Great Ninja War, the Leaf Village is divided over who should become the next Hokage. Minato Namikaze is soon appointed as the Fourth Hokage, much to the annoyance of Danzo and Orochimaru. Meanwhile, Kakashi is haunted by the deaths of Obito and Rin, causing him to lose focus on his missions.

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1x350 – Minato no shi

Kakashi becomes part of the ANBU Black Ops, an elite team of shinobi who are under the direct command of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Although he is highly regarded by his peers, Kakashi's ruthless way of killing the enemy has earned him the nickname "Cold-blooded Kakashi."

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1x351 – Hashirama saibô

At the Foundation, Kakashi meets a boy who uses Wood Style, a jutsu that only First Hokage Hashirama was capable of using. Kakashi goes to Third Hokage Hiruzen's library to seek answers and discovers records regarding Hashirama's cells.

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1x352 – Nukenin: Orochimaru

Orochimaru is forced to flee the Hidden Leaf after Third Hokage Hiruzen exposes his illegal experiments. Danzo, fearing that Orochimaru's capture would lead to the exposure of his own involvement in the experiments, sends out one of his men to help the rogue ninja.

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1x353 – Orochimaru no jikkentai

While pursuing Orochimaru, Kakashi wanders into a village inhabited by the Iburi Clan, a group of people with the unique ability to turn into smoke. Kakashi is soon captured and learns that the villagers all serve under Orochimaru.

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1x354 – Sorezore no michi

Yukimi leaves the village to see the outside world, taking "Tenzo" with her. Kakashi tries to convince the two to return so that he can set a trap to capture Orochimaru, who is after Yukimi's blood. But Yamato, who has grown attached to Yukimi, abandons his original mission to protect his friend.

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1x355 – Nerawareta Sharingan

Danzo orders Tenzo to kill Kakashi and take his Sharingan. Reluctant at first, Tenzo decides to carry out his orders after learning that the Leaf Shinobi has come to be known as "Kakashi the Friend Killer."

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1x356 – Konoha no Shinobi

After being saved by the target he was ordered to kill, Tenzo realizes that the man known as "Kakashi the Friend Killer" is someone who values the lives of his comrades more than anyone. No longer wishing to kill Kakashi, Tenzo abandons the mission and returns to the Leaf Village, fully aware that his actions will stir up Danzo's anger.

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1x357 – ANBU no Uchiha

Itachi Uchiha is inducted into Kakashi's unit as the youngest member of the ANBU Black Ops. Itachi's father, Fugaku, is pleased, thinking this will grant the Uchiha access to exclusive, top-secret Leaf intel. But Danzo, who wants intel on the Uchiha, orders Itachi to betray his family and clan by acting as a double agent.

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1x358 – Kûdetâ

Following the aftermath of the Nine-Tails incident, many on the Leaf Council voice suspicions that the Uchiha Clan were behind this tragedy. The Uchiha are then placed under 24-hour surveillance by the ANBU, which causes further tensions to arise.

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1x359 – Sangeki no yoru

Kakashi visits the Uchiha District and notices that the community seems more antisocial than the last time he visited. Meanwhile Itachi finds concrete evidence regarding the Uchiha Clan's coup against the Leaf. The fateful moment is fast approaching...

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1x360 – Tantô Jônin

Hiruzen relieves Kakashi of his ANBU duties and assigns him a new position as a Jonin Leader. Reflecting on his past mistakes, Kakashi decides to use the same test that Minato once used to measure one's teamwork.

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1x361 – Dai nana han

Hiruzen assigns Kakashi to be in charge of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, three genin that bear a striking resemblance to the former Team Minato.

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1x362 – Kakashi no ketsui

Kakashi desperately tries to reach out to Obito, but his words fall on deaf ears. Obito instead accuses Kakashi of being trash, which angers Naruto, forcing him to step in and defend his Sensei.

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1x363 – Shinobi rengô-gun no jutsu!

The barrier is shattered, and Ten Tails appears! With unfathomable power in its attack, it sends shock waves through the air! Kurama takes the lead and tries to go on the offensive, but is helpless against Ten Tails' immense strength. Soon both Kurama and Gyuki exhaust their chakra and fade away.

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1x364 – Tsunagareru mono

The Allied Shinobi Forces begin their onslaught against Obito and Madara. But Ten Tails suddenly transforms and hurls powerful Tailed Beast Bombs toward distant towns. One after the other, the Tailed Beast Bombs find their targets. The shinobi wonder why Ten Tails is aiming so far away as one of the bombs heads toward HQ!.

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1x365 – Shinobimau mono-tachi

Naruto is overcome with grief over Neji's death, but Hinata's words restore his fighting spirit. Shikaku outlines his final strategy before he dies, in which Nine Tails will send its chakra to increase everyone's strength. United in their cause, Naruto and the shinobi set out to take on Ten Tails, determined that Neji and their comrades will not have died in vain!

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1x366 – Subete o shiru mono-tachi

Sasuke returns to the Hidden Leaf Village seeking answers, and standing before him are First Hokage Hashirama, Second Hokage Tobirama, Third Hokage Hiruzen, and Fourth Hokage Minato, all reanimated. Sasuke asks Hiruzen for the truth about Itachi, and he questions Tobirama about the secret of the Uchiha Clan. Then Hashirama begins his story, which goes back to the feudal age, to a period before the village even existed.

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1x367 – Hashirama to Madara

Villages did not exist when Hashirama was a child. It was during this strife-filled time that he met Madara Uchiha. The two youths talk about their hopes for the future, without revealing their true identities, and find they share the same vision...to create a ninja world where children do not have to die.

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1x368 – Sengoku jidai

Madara and Hashirama eventually become the leaders of their respective clans. As the fighting rages on between the Senju and Uchiha, Hashirama approaches Madara about an alliance. But Madara refuses to listen and releases Susano'o instead!

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1x369 – Hontô no yume

The Senju and Uchiha clans join together to build a shinobi village and fulfill their dreams. Standing on the cliff where they confided their youthful aspirations to each other, Hashirama and Madara gaze over the forest at their burgeoning village. Hashirama decides that Madara should be the Hokage, but his younger brother Tobirama objects, warning that the Uchiha are dangerous.

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1x370 – Sasuke no kotae

After listening to what Hashirama and the rest of the former Hokage have to say, Sasuke finally understands how the Leaf Village and its shinobi came to be. He then decides on the path he will ultimately take!

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1x371 – Kazaana

The fighting rages between Naruto, who stands at the vanguard of the Allied Shinobi Forces, and the team of Madara and Obito. Ten Tails' relentless attack is wearing down Naruto, and his chakra begins to dissipate. Meanwhile, Kakashi and Obito face each other in a different Kamui dimension.

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1x372 – Umeru mono

Ten Tails is on the brink of its final transformation and begins to form a massive Tailed Beast Bomb. The shinobi no longer have the strength or energy left to stop it, but Sakura, Shikamaru and the others refuse to give up. Shikamaru formulates a plan to combine the strength of the shinobi to block the Tailed Beast Bomb, but it proves too powerful. Right at that moment, Minato, who was revived with the Reanimation Jutsu, comes to the rescue!

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1x373 – Dai nana han, shûketsu!!

Team 7 is finally reunited when Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke join forces. Then the reanimated former Hokage arrive to add their strength to a counteroffensive. Ten Tails divides into countless parts, and Naruto and Sasuke charge at them. Refusing to be left behind, Sakura follows!

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1x374 – Aratanaru sansukumi

Bearing a close resemblance to the Legendary Sannin, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke make a stunning arrival on the battlefield with each of their summonings.

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1x375 – Kakashi VS Obito

Kakashi and Obito face again in an epic fight to give birth to a new evil.

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1x376 – Kyûbi gôdatsu shirei

The townspeople are going about their daily business on the streets of the Leaf Village when someone suddenly appears and starts sending them flying.

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1x377 – Naruto tai Meka Naruto

The townspeople are going about their daily business on the streets of the Leaf Village when someone suddenly appears and starts sending them flying.

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1x378 – Jûbi no Jinchûriki

Obito completely absorbs the giant Ten Tails, undergoes a transformation and becomes the Ten Tails' Jinchuriki. With immense power gained from taking in the Tailed Beast, Obito breaks through the barrier. Counterattacks by each of the Hokage have little effect. But they are able to analyze Obito's powers, gained by using their immortal bodies. Naruto and Sasuke come up with a fighting style, but can they succeed?

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1x379 – Toppakô

Obito has gained complete control over his power as the Ten Tails Jinchuriki. His powerful, cold-blooded attacks force Naruto and his friends into a corner. Meanwhile, Hashirama and Madara continue their old grudge match and fiercely battle. The other shinobi are unable to do anything but watch helplessly from the sidelines. Shikamaru tells them that although they may not be as powerful, they have the power to decide the fate of the world. His words help restore their fighting spirit.

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1x380 – Naruto ga umareta hi

Minato is filled with regret during his confrontation with Obito. He thinks if only he had recognized Obito as the Masked Man during the assault on the Hidden Leaf Village, he could have stopped the attack, and maybe Kushina would not have died. The next day is the anniversary of Minato's and Kushina's deaths. Obito taunts Minato as a weak shinobi and seals every shinobi inside a barrier in order to destroy them all!

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1x381 – Shinju

Madara Uchiha briefs about what is written on the Uchiha sacred wall to first Hokage and in the mean time Minato cries for not spending much time with Naruto and the actual form of ten tails is the divine tree and katsyuki (mother of sage of six paths) origin was also told by Madara Uchiha.

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1x382 – Shinobi no yume

The Ten Tails morphs into its final form, "The Divine Tree," and attacks the shinobi, absorbing their chakra one after another. Hashirama tries to instill hope, but their despair is too great. The Divine Tree is close to blossoming, and Madara declares that there is only 15 minutes left before everything comes to an end.

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1x383 – Saki o ou

Naruto's past, thoughts, and feelings flow into the consciousness of every shinobi, unifying their hearts. Meanwhile, Hashirama's dream is revealed to the Five Kage, and they gather on the battlefield, instilling everyone with renewed hope. While Sasuke and Naruto wage an intense combo assault against Obito, Hashirama, Tobirama, Hiruzen, and the Five Kage, along with Orochimaru and every shinobi on the battlefield, join together to cut down the Divine Tree!

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1x384 – Nakama de michita kokoro

Naruto and Sasuke fight together against Obitito, the ten tails jinchuriki. They join powers to deliver a final blow that will reveal an opportunity for Naruto to dissect the tailed beast chakaras from Obitito. But Naruto can't do this alone and so the Allied Shinobi Forces jump into to help. The picture of Naruto and his comrades throws Obitito into a conscious state of thought, in which he uncontrollably spills his deepest memories, thoughts, and past-future aspirations for Naruto to see.

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1x385 – Uchiha Obito

Obito's deepest thoughts and memories are exposed to Naruto during the extraction of the tailed beast chakaras. Obito sees precious memories of the missions and times spent with younger Kakashi, Rin, and Minato Sensei, but bad memories also leak out. In the midst of Obito's flashbacks, Naruto can relate to the past that Obito had and compares the different paths they have both chosen. Becuase Naruto feels Obito's pain and understands him like no one has before, he extends his hand to Obito. Will Obito change the path he has chosen or continue to cause mayhem for the ...

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1x386 – Chanto miteru

In order to appeal to his better side and get him to stop the war, Naruto reminds him of Rin and how she is said to be 'always watching'. We get to see a flashback of Obito's past and how his relationship with Rin was. This - and Naruto's words - seem to make him falter, giving a glimmer of hope that the war will end.

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1x387 – Mamorareta yakusoku

Naruto's power of persuasion moves Obito's heart. Due to the influence of the Ten Tails, visions of himself and Rin from the past appear in the inner realm and play havoc with Obito's emotions. Meanwhile in reality, all the shinobi pool their strength in a tug-of-war to extract the Tailed Beast chakra out of Obito. On Naruto's cue, their hearts synchronize and they pull one last time. As the war reaches its climax, will the Allied Shinobi Forces emerge victorious?

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1x388 – Saisho no tomo

Gaara tells the story of how Naruto and he became friends.

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1x389 – Akogare no Nê-Sama

The Hyuga Clan, in which the side branch family exists solely to protect the main family, has a legacy of hatred and division. Hanabi adores her sister Hinata, who struggles to become a worthy successor to the Hyuga Clan.

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1x390 – Hanabi no ketsui

Hanabi begins training in order to be strong and kind like Hinata. But when Hinata is labeled unfit as a successor, Hanabi's heart becomes bound to her destiny.

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1x391 – Uchiha Madara, tatsu

Naruto and the Allied Shinobi Forces successfully extract the Tailed Beasts from Obito. Only Madara remains, and Naruto heads out to tackle this foe. Meanwhile, Obito, unable to move after having the Tailed Beasts taken out of him, sees a glimmer of hope as he watches Naruto. He acknowledges his sins and, in atonement, releases one more burst of power from himself to weave a certain jutsu. But at that moment, Black Zetsu appears and suppresses Obito!

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1x392 – Ura no kokoro

With his newly revived strength, Madara doesn't give in against the nine Tailed Beasts. With the return of his Rinnegan, Madara summons the Gedo Statue, ensnares all the beasts instantly and goes on a mad rampage. The Tailed Beasts try desperately to fight back, but Shukaku is close to being captured. Just then, Gaara heads towards Madara in order to protect his Tailed Beast!

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1x393 – Hontô no owari

The Tailed Beasts struggle to free them selves from the bindings of the Gedo Statue which is being controlled by Madara Uchiha. On the other front, Obito, who is being controlled by Zetsu, uses Hashiramas wood style to halt the remnants of the Allied Shinobi Forces and the Kage. Naruto is on the verge of death becuase of the Tailed Beast extraction and Sasuke has been fatally injured by Madara. Are Naruto and Sasuke going to die???

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1x394 – Aratanaru Chûnin shiken

Tsunade has left Naruto's life in Sakura's hands. As she rides off with Naruto on Gara's sand to find Minato, the Fourth Hokage, the scene skips backwards to two years after Naruto left the Hidden Leaf Village to train with Master Jariaya. All of Naruto's comrades continue to be inspired by him even in his absence and train hard for his return. Amidst all of the training, the Fifth Hokage, Lady Tsunade, and the Fifth Kazekage, Gara, meet to discuss the return of the chunin exams.

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1x395 – Chûnin shiken, kaishi!

The Hidden Leaf begin preparing for the Chunin Exams. Tsunade orders Kakashi to personally deliver an invitation to the Hidden Rain Village and, at the same time, gather intel. The Mist, Cloud and Stone send their regrets, but the Hidden Waterfall and Hidden Grass accept. Ino and Choji ask Sakura to join their three-man team as a stand-in for Shikamaru, who is already a chunin. But Sakura is hesitant and turns them down.

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1x396 – Mittsu no mondai

The Chunin Exams finally begin and the proctor for Round One is none other than Shikamaru! The first exam is a written test. The entrants are separated from their teams, and with little explanation from Shikamaru, the exam begins. The time limit is 30 minutes and there are only three questions. As the minutes tick away, Neji remembers the last Chunin Exams where Naruto turned in a blank sheet and still passed. He begins to realize that this exam is not about measuring one's problem-solving skills!

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1x397 – Rîdâ ni fusawashî mono

The genin are unable to figure out the answer and start to panic. Neji announces to everyone in the room that he will tell them how to answer the question. Some of the genin don't agree with Neji's taking the lead and try to pick a fight, but fighting is prohibited. Those who fear elimination follow Neji's instructions, and soon the time limit is up. However, Shikamaru introduces another question to be answered within three minutes. Will Neji and his team be able to pass this round?

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1x398 – Niji shiken, zen'ya

Kankuro tries in vain to stop Gaara from supervising the exams due to the lack of security and the threats against his life. Gaara vows to see the exams through to completion because of their significance to him as the place he first met Naruto. On the night before the Second Exam, the entrants gather in the cafeteria, and a brawl breaks out. While the Hidden Leaf stand by helpless, the only one who can calm everyone down is Fuu from the Hidden Waterfall Village.

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1x399 – Ma no sabaku no sabaibaru

The Second Exam finally begins! To pass this stage, each team must take possession of both the Heaven and Earth scrolls and make it to the designated site in the center of the Demon Desert within 72 hours. Neji, Lee, and Tenten dash out at the starting signal. After observing Shira deflect Lee's kick and Fuu's enormous power, Neji decides they must avoid any encounter with their two teams. However, Lee is eager to challenge Shira!

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1x400 – Taijutsu tsukai to shite...

Like Lee, Shira can only use taijutsu. In the Hidden Sand, those who can't use ninjutsu cannot become shinobi. However, Lord Gaara recognizes Shira's taijutsu abilities and appoints him as his own taijutsu coach. Envious of Shira's sudden rise to prominence, the other Sand shinobi criticize and attack him. Noting the similarities of their circumstances, Lee is outraged at the ones who hurt and belittled Shira and sets out in pursuit!

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1x401 – Kimaweshi mono

Lee challenges Shira to a battle between taijutsu users! Although it first appears the two are evenly matched in speed and attacks, Lee's smaller physique begins to sustain damage. In order to counter this, Lee resorts to using his Eight Inner Gates, but he is unable to release the First Gate!

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1x402 – Tôsô VS tsuiseki

Kiba and his team are in pursuit of Hidden Grass Ninja who have stolen their scroll! Their foes are experts of escape and prove elusive even for Kiba and his team of expert sensory ninja. Their goal is just before them, but unless they find the enemy, the Hidden Grass will get there first!

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1x403 – Akiramenai dokonjô

Kiba and his team are in pursuit of Hidden Grass Ninja who have stolen their scroll! Their foes are masters of escape and prove elusive even for Kiba and his team of expert sensory ninja. Their goal is just ahead of them, but unless they find the enemy, the Hidden Grass will get there first!

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1x404 – Tenten no nayami

As the team prepares for dinner, Tenten pulls out a scroll that contains all the ingredients for okonomiyaki. Lee is amazed at her ability to conjure up anything and mentions that she is "convenient" to have around. Tenten takes offense and storms off. The following day, they run into Ajisai of the Hidden Rain and her team. As fighting breaks out for the scrolls, Tenten feels an intense rivalry with Ajisai, who also specializes in Transportation Ninjutsu.

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1x405 – Tokijomerareta futari

An ancient ruin in Demon Desert comes crumbling down during the battle for the scrolls. Tenten and Ajisai fall deep below the rubble. When they realize they're trapped, they call a truce in order to find a way out. While searching for an exit, they are attacked by a swarm of giant ants. Witnessing Ajisai's proficiency with the Summoning Jutsu, Tenten recalls her training with Guy.

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1x406 – Jibun no ibasho

Ino, Sakura and Choji trudge across a desert under the blazing sun without any provisions. Ino and Sakura are arguing when a giant scorpion attacks and injures Sakura. While Ino tends to Sakura's wound with Medical Ninjutsu, she remembers back to when she ducked out of her Ino-Shika-Cho training and how her intense rivalry with Sakura drove her to ask Lady Tsunade if she could become her apprentice.

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1x407 – Yamanaka Ichizoku: Hiden Ninjutsu

As Ino and her team head toward an oasis, they are attacked by a team of Sand Shinobi comprised of Ameno, Shishio, and Kouji. Ameno is a Medical Ninja whose skills rival Sakura's. She also has a jutsu that proves difficult to counter. Kouji is a ninja who specializes in power-based attacks, like Choji. Shishio has a jutsu that enables him to disappear and stalk Team 10. Just as Ino and her teammates are pushed to the limit, Ino remembers her Yamanaka Clan training, which she once tried hard to avoid, and unleashes her Sensory Perception Jutsu!

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1x408 – Noroi no ningyô

Sakura and her team continue their trek across the desert towards the goal. Their continuous battles have depleted Sakura's chakra, so they stop to rest. Just then, they encounter a puppet manipulated by a rival team from the Sand and end up being discovered. Sakura is helpless since her chakra is not restored yet. Ino and Choji resolve to fight, but the three shinobi from the Sand prove to be too strong!

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1x409 – Futari no senaka

Ino and Choji fight to protect an immobilized Sakura although they have depleted most of their chakra due to the relentless fighting. Feeling helpless, Sakura recalls how Naruto and Sasuke always protected her. Sakura realizes that she has trained with Lady Tsunade and regains her confidence that she can protect Ino and Choji. Then the team from the Hidden Sand begins their final attack against the trio. Will Sakura be able to dig deep and stand up to them?!

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1x410 – Ugokidashita inbô

Sand Jonin Fugi sneaks into the Demon Desert and creates a massive sandstorm in order to assassinate Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage. Due to the magnitude of the storm, the Second Exam is postponed for the sake of safety. Then Matsuri and the Hidden Sand team fall into quicksand! Unaware of the sinister trap, Gaara ignores everyone's warnings and sets out to rescue Matsuri's team.

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1x411 – Nerawareta Bijû

Gaara heads out to rescue Matsuri and the others but is attacked by a mysterious priest who binds him with a Chakra Chain to capture his Tailed Beast. The massive sandstorm subsides, but panic breaks out in Hidden Sand Village over Gaara's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Foo, who is also a Jinchuriki, senses that Gaara is in danger and abandons the Chunin Exams to help save him!

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1x412 – Neji no handan

Neji and the team come across Matsuri collapsed in the desert and find out Garra is in trouble.

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1x413 – Mirai ni takusu omoi

Gaara meets with Fugi, the mastermind behind the assassination attempt on his life. He confides that perhaps, after all the fear and pain he has wrought upon the Sand, he has no right to be their leader. But there are those who accept him without prejudice--the next generation. Gaara, who has never felt this more deeply than during the Chunin Exams, tells Fugi to take his life, and his life alone, without involving the young shinobi. Meanwhile, Fuu, who has learned that there is someone very much like her by the name of Naruto, sets out to meet him.

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1x414 – Shi no kiwa

Having both been bested by Madara, Naruto and Sasuke's lives hang by a knife's edge. As Gaara transports Naruto to his father at the behest of the Nine-Tails, Orochimaru and Team Taka race to Sasuke as they sense a sinister presence at his location. Meanwhile, Kakashi and Minato attempt to contain Obito who has been possessed by Black Zetsu.

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1x415 – Futatsu no Mangekyô

Now that its master is nearby, Black Zetsu declares that nobody can stop it from handing Madara the left Rinnegan and the Nine-Tails' Yin half, detaching itself from Obito's body. As Kakashi and Gaara prepare to attack in order to give Naruto the means to survive the tailed beast's extraction, Black Zetsu finds itself unable to leave Obito's body, due to him not allowing it to. Obito questions Madara about who he himself is to the older Uchiha, with the jinchuuriki explaining how Obito - as a follower of Madara's ideals - is Madara, he who wishes to cancel the world ...

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1x416 – Kessei: Minato han

Obito overhears some shinobi complaining about completing missions with Kakashi and asks them about it. They tell him that Kakashi ignores his team-mates to complete missions no matter what, which conflicts with what Obito remembers Kakashi saying. They advise Obito to be wary of being assigned missions with Kakashi. Leaving the Academy, Obito shares his concerns with Rin. He then comes across Kakashi and tries to strike up a conversation with him, only for Kakashi to leave, telling him not to worry. Obito trains in the rain to catch up to Kakashi with Rin encouraging...

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1x417 – Omae wa bakkuappuda

Obito's story continues, while he turns a new leaf and helps the Allied Shinobi Forces.

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1x418 – Aoki Môjû VS Rikudô Madara

Maito Gai remembers his academy years, his father Maito Dai's lessons and encouragement and his rivalry and friendship with Kakashi Hatake. Gai prepares himself to use the dangerous technique Hachimon Tonko no Jin.

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1x419 – Papa no seishun

A young Guy questions his father Might Duy on being optimistic despite criticisms from other people in the village. Duy reiterated that becoming strong is not about winning or defeating enemies, but protecting something precious. Guy continues his training and frequently sees Kakashi, which inspires him to challenge. However, Duy disagrees Guy's proposition on challenging Kakashi and suggests to impose a self-rule. Guy follows and exerts his training just not to challenge Kakashi. After hardworking and perseverance, Guy finally graduates from the Academy and start ...

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1x420 – Hachimon tonkô no jin

Guy Sensei has unleashed the Eight Inner Gates, opening all chakra limiters placed on the body in order to achieve power ten times greater than the hokages. His opponent is Madara Uchiha, who threatens to place the world under a deep sleep by fulfilling his Infinite Tsukuyomi. Madara, only lacking his left rinnegan to achieve full Six Paths mode, has tremendous power as is shown when he survives Might Guys Eight Inner Gates Unleashed Taijutsu. During Might Guy's and Madara's battle, Naruto is visited by someone deep within his subconscious, within his inner mind. This...

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1x421 – Rikudô Sen'nin

Guy Sensei reaches his limits against Madara Uchiha. A new secret is unveiled to Naruto and Sasuke.

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1x422 – Uketsugareru mono

After Naruto and Sasuke obtained the special Justus from the Sage of Six Pathes, Shippuden goes back in time all the way to Naruto's arrival at the Hidden Leaf Village after two years of training with Jaraiya. These next two episodes are meant to demonstrate the inheritance of the next generation and for who Naruto is fighting for. This flash back tells the story of Konohamaro's training as he is being taught the Rasengan by Naruto. This story plays along with the original plot and shows Konohamaro's development of his Rasengan throught time as the several events ...

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1x423 – Naruto no raibaru

After Naruto and Sasuke obtained the special Justus from the Sage of Six Pathes, Shippuden goes back in time all the way to Naruto's arrival at the Hidden Leaf Village after two years of training with Jaraiya. These next two episodes are meant to demonstrate the inheritance of the next generation and for who Naruto is fighting for. This flash back tells the story of Konohamaro's training as he is being taught the Rasengan by Naruto. This story plays along with the original plot and shows Konohamaro's development of his Rasengan throught time as the several events ...

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1x424 – Tatsu

Naruto and Sasuke begin to fight against Madara.

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1x425 – Mugen no yume

Madara is after Obito's left eye, his rinnegan, which was initially Madara's to begin with. When he obtains it, new powers are revealed that change the tide and intensity of the war, which consists of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura fighting Madara. Amidst the wait for Madara to come back from Obito's alternate dimension, Kakashi thinks back to the formation of Team Seven and right their questions Sasuke as to what his true intentions are, but before Sasuke could give him a definitive answer, Kakashi shuts him down and Madara shows up. While keeping Team Seven occupied ...

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1x426 – Mugen Tsukuyomi

Madara awakens the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Sasuke finds a way to protect his friends from Genjutsu. Yamato appears in the battlefield. The Infinite Dream falls upon the Shinobi World.

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1x427 – Yume no sekai e

Tenten falls under the Infinite Tsukuyomi and wakes up in the Hidden Leaf Village. When Lee and Guy Sensei appear, Tenten is relieved to see that she is not alone. But her joy is short-lived, as both men act oddly and are dressed stylishly-just where has she been transported to?

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1x428 – Tenten no ibasho

Inside the "Infinite Tsukuyomi", Tenton tries to find a way to break free of the genjutsu, while struggling with her place in the new fake world.

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1x429 – Kirâ Bî rappûden: Ten no maki

Tailed beast jinchuriki's are gathering together to go up against the akatsuki after stealing most of their tailed beast powers.

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1x430 – Kirâ Bî rappûden: Chi no maki

Inside the genjutsu placed by the Infinite Tsukoymi, Killer Bee has gathered all the jinchuriki in a fight against the akatsuki.

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1x431 – Ano egao o môichido

Karin is caught within the Infinite Tsukuyomi and dreams of her past. She was born into the Uzumaki Clan and has the unique ability to heal anyone who bites into her. Driven out of her village, the Hidden Grass takes her in, only to use her for this ability. Karin has no choice but to endure constant suffering in order to survive. She is later chosen to enter the Chunin Exams, where Sasuke saves her life. Karin has never forgotten what he did for her-or his smile.

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1x432 – Ochikobore ninja

With the exception of Naruto's Team 7, which is protected by the Susano'o, all other shinobi have been swept into a dream world by the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Even the Hokage, Tsunade, has fallen into a dream state. She awakens to find herself in the Leaf Village, where she discovers Jiraiya's final book, entitled "Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls," and begins to read.

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1x433 – Shutsugeki: Tansaku ninmu

Tsunade continues to read Jiraiya's novel. Chunin- and jonin-level ninja have gone missing, and the Fourth Hokage, Minato, orders a search mission with teams of genin led by Guy and Kurenai. Kakashi's Team 7 is also dispatched, but the hero Naruto Uzumaki, despite being the Hokage's son, has the misfortune of being labeled a loser.

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1x434 – Chîmuru Jiraiya

Tsunade continues to read Jiraiya's novel. Chunin- and jonin-level ninja have gone missing, and the Fourth Hokage, Minato, orders a search mission with teams of genin led by Guy and Kurenai. Kakashi's Team 7 is also dispatched, but the hero Naruto Uzumaki, despite being the Hokage's son, has the misfortune of being labeled a loser.

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1x435 – Yûsen jun'i

Team Jiraiya, Shikamaru, and his Leaf teammates are lured into a mysterious village during their battle. A couple children from the village get caught in the crossfire and fall into a cave-in. Yahiko's team rushes to the rescue, but Shikamaru doesn't budge. Meanwhile, Naruto and Neji's teams rendezvous, but a mysterious voice addresses them out of nowhere.

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1x436 – Kamen no otoko

Naruto and Killer Bee rush to the battlefield when Nine Tails suddenly speaks to Naruto inside his mind. The Nine Tails questions Naruto's intent to end the hatred in the world and reminds him of how he was unable to save Sasuke.

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1x437 – Fûin sareshi chikara

The Masked Man is satisfied that the Hidden Leaf Genin chose the importance of life over their mission, but orders his team to continue their surveillance. Meanwhile, Naruto is frustrated at his inabilities, and recalls why his father Minato sealed the Nine Tails inside of him.

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1x438 – Okite ka, nakama ka

Sasuke and Sakura join up with the others, but the Puppet User appears and blocks their path back to the Hidden Leaf Village. Sasuke wants to bring down the puppets and rush back to report to the Fourth Hokage, but Shikamaru and the others insist on staying and rescuing the jonin.

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1x439 – Yogen no ko

Jiraiya weakens the seal on the Nine Tails in order to help Naruto learn how to control the Tailed Beast's power. Jiraiya recalls the words spoken to him years ago by the Great Lord Elder. He told Jiraiya that he would have a student, and that his guidance would decide whether the student would save the Ninja World or destroy it.

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1x440 – Kago no tori

Naruto joins up with the rest of his comrades, and together they overcome the puppet attack. The masked man witnesses this and is convinced there is a future for the young shinobi. He promises to release the kidnapped jonin and begins to explain the truth, and the situation behind his motives.

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1x441 – Kikan

Naruto's strength is recognized by his fellow genin, except Sasuke. But while Naruto enjoys a close relationship with his father, Sasuke's father, Fugaku, constantly compares Sasuke with his older brother Itachi and barely pays attention to him.

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1x442 – Tagai no michi

Sasuke takes his frustrations out on Naruto and the two begin to fight, this time with their respective new jutsu. Minato steps in just before it turns into a disaster. From this encounter, Sasuke realizes that he is nowhere equal to Naruto in strength and joins the Leaf Police Force, determined to beat him one day.

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1x443 – Chikara no sa

Three years have passed since Sasuke joined the Leaf Police Force, and he's now lieutenant. But his abusive Police Force has only increased anxiety within the village, and the Uchiha remain in poor regard. Now that his training with Jiraiya has ended, Naruto returns to Hidden Leaf Village and has an explosive encounter with Sasuke in the middle of town.

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1x444 – Sato nuke

Sasuke leaves the leaf village in search of power.

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1x445 – Otte

The Anbu who attack Naruto and Shikamaru are agents sent by Danzo, who had promised Orochimaru that he would deliver Sasuke safely to him. Luckily, Neji, Lee and Tenten rush to their aid in the nick of time. Meanwhile, Hiruko reveals the truth behind the incident involving Hizashi.

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1x446 – Shôtotsu

Naruto reaches the tower Sasuke was heading for, thanks to Neji, Lee and Tenten deterring the agents from the Foundation. But it's too late-Sasuke's already made contact with Orochimaru. Naruto passionately tries to reason with Sasuke, but ultimately their powers collide.

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1x447 – Môhitotsu no tsuki

Naruto wakes up and is told by Shikamaru that Sasuke is no where to be found, and that the Anbu they were fighting retreated. While Tsunade updates Minato on the shinobi Sasuke attacked when he left the village, Shizune arrives with news someone infiltrated the village. Pain arrives and talks to Tsunade, vowing to cause the village pain. Pain attacks the village with a gigantic Chibaku Tensei. Naruto and the others arrive in the morning to find a crater where Konohagakure was supposed to be, with the Chibaku Tensei floating above it. Neji confirms the chakra of the ...

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1x448 – Nakama

Seeing Hinata almost die triggers Naruto's anger and he goes into Nine Tails State. Naruto's power is enormous, but Pain releases his jutsu to seal him away. Hatred consumes Naruto as he tries to break the seal. With Naruto unable to calmly control the Nine Tails' power, the village steadily heads toward destruction.

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1x449 – Shinobi-tachi no kyôen

Several months after Pain's attack, Jiraiya arrives with intel regarding the Akatsuki, who are attacking shinobi villages and kidnapping their Kage and jonin. He also reveals that Sasuke is working with them. Naruto is determined to bring his friend and comrade Sasuke back, once and for all.

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1x450 – Raibaru

Naruto wants to bring Sasuke back to the village, but Sasuke burns with a desire to bring Naruto down. Why is Sasuke so confrontational, and how did his feelings toward Naruto develop? The truth rises to the surface during Sasuke's relentless attack. Where will this battle lead? Find out in the conclusion of the "Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls."

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1x451 – Umareru inochi, shinu inochi

The shinobi under Madara's Infinite Tsukuyomi continue to slumber and have pleasant dreams. Meanwhile, Naruto and the others have escaped the genjutsu, thanks to Sasuke's protective Susano'o. As Sasuke starts remembering the death of Itachi, his Sharingan starts to resonate and show him the truth that Itachi never spoke a word of.

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1x452 – Isai

Having experienced the Great Ninja War as a young child, Itachi constantly questions the meaning the life and death, distancing him from other children his age. Soon after entering the Academy, Itachi exhibits his genius and finds himself at the top of his class.

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1x453 – Inochi no itami

Upon graduating from the Academy, Itachi becomes a genin and joins a team that includes Tenma, Shinko, and their Jonin Leader, Minazuki Sensei. They accept a mission from Granny Cat to look for a missing feline who's a skilled Ninja Cat.

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1x454 – Shisui no irai

Itachi accompanies his friend Shisui on a three-part training exercise. The two come across a battle between the Hokage's ANBU and the Foundation. Itachi is confused by their motives and can't discern which side is right or wrong. But Shisui is unwavering in his determination to stop the fighting.

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1x455 – Tsukiyo

Itachi joins the ANBU and is quickly promoted to captain. But he must report directly to Danzo, and is placed as a double agent to observe the Uchiha clan, who are in the midst of planning a coup d'état. With dissatisfaction rising within the clan, the Uchiha ultimately decide to carry out their revolt, and the fateful night approaches.

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1x456 – Akatsuki no yami

Itachi becomes a rogue ninja and joins the Akatsuki. He is welcomed and introduced by Pain and Orochimaru as the ex-Leaf ANBU and the man who massacred his entire clan. Itachi is paired up with a man named Juzo, and their first job together is to fulfill an assassination request in the Land of Water.

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1x457 – Aibô

Itachi is partnered with Kisame and begins his missions as a member of the Akatsuki. The duo succeeds in recruiting Deidara, so Pain assigns the newly formed team of Deidara and Sasori to hunt down the deserter Orochimaru. Meanwhile, intel comes in about an immortal killer, so Itachi, Konan and Kakuzu head out to the Land of Steam.

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1x458 – Makoto

Itachi confronts Sasuke, who for years bore the shame and anger that Itachi brought upon their clan. The truth behind Itachi's story comes to light. Back on the battlefield of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Naruto and the others fight Madara, and just as he is declaring his victory, something unexpected occurs.

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1x459 – Hajimari no mono

Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly emerges from Madara's body. She is the mother of Hagoromo, the Sage of the Six Paths who entrusted his powers to Naruto and Sasuke. Kaguya's power is immense and instantly sends Naruto and Sasuke to an alternate dimension. Naruto and Sasuke are the only ones who can seal away Kaguya, but they can't find a jutsu that works against her.

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1x460 – Ôtsutsuki Kaguya

Kaguya Otsutsuki suddenly descends from the heavens as the people of the Land of Sou look on in surprise and suspicion. But their king, Tenji, is enthralled by her and takes her for his concubine. In this age of endless war, Kaguya wishes for nothing but peace. But as the self-proclaimed protector of the Divine Tree, she soon finds herself engulfed by the tides of chaos and war.

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1x461 – Hagoromo to Hamura

As Black Zetsu drains Naruto and Sasuke's Chakra into the reborn Kaguya, Black Zetsu tells the story of Kaguya's children: Hagoromo and Hamura in a world ruled by the Infinite Tsukuyomi. Filler episode.

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1x462 – Tsukurareta kako

Kaguya is furious that Hagoromo has broken the law. Hagoromo finds out what Kaguya did in the past and makes up his mind to fight her. Knowing nothing about her, Hagoromo cannot trust her-he wonders if the love and the despair she experienced are the sole cause of her anger. Unable to reach an understanding, mother and sons begin their long, sad battle.

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1x463 – Iga-sei nanbâwan!

Naruto adopts a rather hilarious but effective approach to tackle Kaguya. Obito is back in action. Sasuke faces a challenge. The Four Hokages make an unexpected acquaintance

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1x464 – Ninshû

Rikudô Sen'nin tells the story of how the Ninshû was born.

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1x465 – Ashura to Indora

Tells the story of the ancestors of the uchiha and senju clan.

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1x466 – Shiren no tabi

Hagoromo must decide whom will be his successor

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1x467 – Ashura no ketsui

Indra completes his mission. Asura finds the definitive solution for his village. Hagoromo must take his final decision.

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1x468 – Kôkeisha

Hagoromo finally chooses who will be the successor to Ninja creed.

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1x469 – Tokubetsu ninmu

Team 7 finishes a mission early in the morning and are dismissed for the rest of the day. Wishing for a higher-rank mission, Naruto suggests finding out Kakashi's true face. Sakura is initially dismissive of the idea, but changes her mind when Sasuke expresses interest in it. Sakura points out their previous failed attempts at discovering Kakashi's face. Naruto believes there should be a photo of Kakashi unmasked, though Sakura reveals she already searched it, and only found masked photos. They are approached by a man named Sukea, who having overheard them, tells them...

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1x470 – Tsunagaru omoi

The battle with kaguya continues with an unexpected turn of events.

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1x471 – Futari o chanto

Hagoromo explains Team 7's current situation to the four Hokage, and how it was possible for his spirit to manifest from Madara's severed half. He mentions a jutsu he can no longer perform, having given much of his chakra to Naruto and Sasuke. Obito suffers from the intense chakra he used to find Sasuke, and thinks back to Rin, his old dreams of being Hokage, and his rivalry with Kakashi. Obito focuses on getting the three of them back to the others. Kaguya and Black Zetsu focus their efforts in attack the Naruto with Truth-Seeking Balls on his back, several shadow ...

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1x472 – Omae wa kanarazu

The battle with kaguya continues and obito's fate is revealed

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1x473 – Sharingan, futatabi

Obito meets Rin in the Afterlife, where Rin tells him that she was always watching over him and is now happy for him, where all the memories of Rin came flowing to Obito. Obito asks Rin to wait a little longer to help Kakashi, he doesn't want Kakashi to interfere in their time alone. Obito uses Kamui to appear in Kakashi's conscious and tells him he came back to help him and that he wants him to become the Sixth Hokage and Naruto to become the Seventh Hokage. Kakashi opens his eyes and becomes Kakashi of the Sharingan again, but this time with the Sharingan in both ...

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1x474 – Omedetô

Naruto and Sasuke perform the sealing Six Paths - Chibaku Tensei on Kaguya to seal her away. She reverts back to the Gedo Statue and the tailed beasts, including Madara, are freed. Son Goku compliments that Kurama's jinchuriki really gets it done and Kurama agrees. Kaguya is imprisoned in a levitating satellite as Sasuke tells Sakura and Kakashi that Naruto still had something to do but they needed to get far away. Black Zetsu says he will still find a way to revive Kaguya and mocks the shinobi world again. Naruto berates it for its words and throws it to the ...

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1x475 – Shûmatsu no tani

Hagoromo wants to end the Infinite Tsukuyomi and by combining Naruto's tailed beast chakra and Sasuke's Rinnegan, they can end the genjutsu. But Sasuke plans to eliminate all traces of the tailed beasts including Naruto as he is the Jinchuriki host of all the nine tailed beasts.Sasuke declares to Naruto that he will be the Hokage at the Final Vally.

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1x476 – Saigo no tatakai

Sasuke reveals his motivations as the fated final battle between two friends begins.

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1x477 – Naruto to Sasuke

A continuation of Naruto and Sasuke final battle.

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1x478 – Wakai no shirushi

Thinking they are dead, Naruto and Sasuke have flashbacks of their childhood and how they both felt pain as orphans. Sasuke thinks of what it means as Hokage and remembers his brother, and the Uchiha massacre. Both wake up to find they have both lost an arm. Sasuke asks Naruto why he continues pursuing him and is dissatisfied with Naruto's reply they are friends. Naruto explains he feels pain when Sasuke is going through a tough time. Sasuke admits he feels the same way and has always been jealous of Naruto. Sasuke sees Naruto's memories of Itachi explaining the ...

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1x479 – Uzumaki Naruto!! "Saishûkai"

The battle between Naruto and Sasuke is over Naruto is healing back in his village.

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1x480 – Naruto to Hinata

Naruto and Hinatas childhood memories.Naruto is alone and trains to get stronger.On the other hand Hinata is trained to become a great successor of the Hyuga clan.

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1x481 – Sasuke to Sakura

A young Sasuke asks Itachi to spend time with him but Itachi declines and leaves for a mission. Their parents tell Sasuke they will be leaving the next day but Sasuke decides to stay home with Itachi, who spends their time alone training with Sasuke. After dinner, they sleep outside and Itachi tries to teach the meaning of their clan symbol to Sasuke, who simply says he will surpass him. By morning, Itachi has already left. A young Sakura spends her time in a makeshift hideout to avoid bullying and how to hide her forehead. She meets Ino, who helps her fix her bangs ...

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1x482 – Gaara to Shikamaru

Tells the story of Gaara and Shikamaru as children

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1x483 – Jiraiya to Kakashi

Jiraiya and kakashi's childhood

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1x484 – Kibaku ningen

Tells about Sasuke's journey after the Fourth Great Ninja War and his pursuit of atonement for his sins.

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1x485 – Koroshiamu

Sasuke seeks Orochimaru to help him find out who is behind the exploding humans.

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1x486 – Fûshin

Sasuke and Orochimaru investigate the situation trying to find who is using what seems to be kekkai genkai to make exploding humans.

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1x487 – Ketsuryûgan

Sasuke arrives at Hell Valley and learns the truth about Ketsuryugan.

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1x488 – Saigo no hitori

Sasuke informs Kakashi of the exploding humans and he wants to investigate independently.

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1x489 – Fûun

Shikamaru works at a desk job but is bored and is only doing it until Naruto becomes Hokage. At a Shinobi Union meeting, Shikamaru and other village ambassadors discuss the decline in shinobi assistance, and Temari suspects Shikamaru is hiding something. When he reports to Kakashi, Shikamaru reveals suspicions the Land of Silence is responsible for the increase of missing-nin and Konoha is investigating it, Gavin already sent Sai to spy. However Sai's reports sound suspicious and Kakashi wants to send Shikamaru in to assassinate or capture the leader, Gengo, with the ...

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1x490 – An'un

Shikamaru, Soku, and Ro arrive at the Land of Silence. They try to disguise themselves to get to the checkpoint but find it is heavily guarded and Soku's desire to persevere causes their first plan to collapse. They head to Sai's last location, which is an inn and Shikamaru tries to get information by playing shogi with a villager. Soku is dismayed that shinobi are viewed as disposable pawns for citizens. She lets out her frustration as she talks to a busboy Komori and considers defecting Konoha, which strains her from Shikamaru and Ro. She goes to the checkpoint to ...

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1x491 – Yamikumo

Shikamaru wakes up from nightmares and shows Ro the little intel they have on Gengo. Hinoko reunites with Ro and Shikamaru and informs them that how no one knows anything about Gengo or Fushuu Castle. They go around Tobari and found their missing comrade, Minoichi, who they cornered to learn more of Gengo. Later that night, Gengo appears for a public speech and reveals a restrained Sai, which the crowd asks for his death. As Gengo's words begin to affect them, Shikamaru and Ro create a diversion to try to save Sai, but he retaliates, having been entranced by Gengo. ...

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1x492 – Giun

Shikamaru is captured while trying to save Sai and stop Gengo. Far from giving up, he racks his brain to find a away out of the situation. Just as an opportunity presents itself, Ro and Soku appear under Gengo's control.

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1x493 – Shinonome

Ino, Choji, and Temari rush to Shikamaru's aid. Choji takes on Ro, Temari goes after Soku, and Ino goes after Sai. Meanwhile, Shikamaru pursues Gengo. Can Shikamaru defeat Gengo's evil ambitions? The final battle begins.

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1x494 – Naruto no kekkon

Everyone is giving their congratulations to Naruto and Hinata for their upcoming wedding. Konohamaru is recording their messages as his wedding gift. Iruka has trouble putting his message to words and has his hands full disciplining three rowdy students who are jealous of Iruka constantly comparing his students to Naruto. Because there will be some shinobi in missions on the day of the wedding, Kakashi gives everyone a mission to find a wedding gift and the value of such will determine who attends. Iruka is offered to become the new vice-principle of the Academy but ...

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1x495 – Furupawâ kekkon iwai

Lee and Tenten search for a wedding gift and ask Guy for advice. Lee considers barbells or workout materials but thinks those are no good. Later that night, he imagines seeing Neji encouraging him to use his strength to find the answer. Lee thinks barbells are perfect as a gift but Tenten is bewildered. She doesn't know what to give Naruto and Hinata because a kunai is too unusual for a wedding. Ultimately, she decides to give them a kunai set as a gift.

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1x496 – Yukemuri to hyôrôgan

The game of finding gift for naruto's wedding is still fierce. Shikamaru along with Temari and Choji, Ino, Sakura search for the perfect gift.

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1x497 – Kazekage no oiwai

Gaara and his siblings, along with A and his entourage, arrive in Konoha for the wedding. Gaara wants to give a gift but thinks it must be extravagant. Lee and Tenten take the Sand siblings to Ichiraku Ramen to give them an idea of what Naruto likes. Iruka meets Gaara for the first time and thanks him for being Naruto's friend. Killer B decides to host a dancing show for the wedding with the Kage as performers, much to A and Mei's dismay. Gaara realizes his gift to Naruto should be from him as a friend rather than as a Kazekage.

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1x498 – Saigo no ninmu

Shino debates what to get Naruto and Hinata when he talks with Iruka's students and offers them encouragement to pursue their dreams. Shino and Kiba visit Kurenai and Mirai, and decide to get honey wine as a gift. When Kiba remarks this will be Team 8's last mission, Shino doubts his future. They go to Soroku and meet Tamaki, with whom Kiba becomes infatuated, and she tells them to find a beekeeper in the Bamboo forest. Shino and Kiba get lost in the fog but Shino finds the beekeeper, who fights Shino to no avail. He gives Shino the honey wine but says Shino will ...

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1x499 – Gokuhi ninmu no yukue

Kakashi starts to worry over the mission because everyone had bought extravagant gifts for the wedding and thinks he is being unfair because the five Kage will be attending, thus the need for several shinobi to be on guard. He goes for a walk to clear his head and runs into Hinata, who reports Naruto has been helpful with the wedding preparations. Hinata had lunch with Sakura, Ino, and Tenten, who all nearly reveal the mission. Hinata then meets with Kiba and Shino, who also nearly reveal the mission. Konohamaru is about to turn in his video message when he overheard ...

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1x500 – Iwai no kotoba

The day of the wedding finally arrives, as iruka finally figures out the perfect message.

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