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5vy4zxe00qs3gpiaotsywribhno 6x1 – The Date Night Variable

With his friends on dates, Raj must face his loneliness. Also, Wolowitz is caught in an argument between Bernadette and his mom, even while he’s in space

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V68ex79ja7gm8inzvfqbgiw0klw 6x2 – The Decoupling Fluctuation

When Sheldon learns that Penny is thinking about breaking up with Leonard, he tries to intervene. Meanwhile, in space, the other astronauts pick on Howard.

Gesehen von 196 Usern

F1rkpjzdgcthej3mjxizupnkslc 6x3 – The Higgs Boson Observation

Amy feels threatened when Sheldon hires a young female assistant, and the pressure of being in space takes its toll on Wolowitz.

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2x3tviqvkkdhgrrivs3i4sl3ybk 6x4 – The Re-Entry Minimization

When Wolowitz returns from space, he doesn’t get the hero’s welcome he expected. Meanwhile, Game Night turns into a battle of the sexes.

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1vlar3tgjow9ht7s7xvdjrdwc18 6x5 – The Holographic Excitation

The gang celebrates Halloween at Stuart’s comic book store. Meanwhile, Leonard seduces Penny with science.

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Ufxwexyf1bx54o9eejudxrdjm1l 6x6 – The Extract Obliteration

Sheldon’s relationship with Stephen Hawking is threatened over a game of “Words with Friends,” and Penny secretly enrolls in a class at the local college.

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78axnkvke9y5p6rbilqu0w7jhlo 6x7 – The Habitation Configuration

Wolowitz struggles with moving out of his mother’s house. Meanwhile, Sheldon is caught in the middle of an argument between Amy and Wil Wheaton.

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Ua6mbagcxfkmm0moyp1vqbqarct 6x8 – The 43 Peculiarity

Raj and Howard try to to figure out why Sheldon disappears at 2:45 every afternoon; jealousy arises in Penny and Leonard's relationship.

Gesehen von 195 Usern

Hdkaftmehhdpmjeuczkz1lzjmms 6x9 – The Parking Spot Escalation

When the University reassigns Sheldon’s parking spot to Wolowitz, their fight affects the whole gang.

Gesehen von 195 Usern

1lpxzaoogtzwsw5iqwo1o0h5q1r 6x10 – The Fish Guts Displacement

When Amy gets sick, Sheldon tries to nurse her back to health; Wolowitz and his father-in-law plan a fishing trip.

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Oqhnasmrf1yvdrepbod6nxkj4kt 6x11 – The Santa Simulation

During a game, Sheldon revisits Christmas memories; Amy, Penny and Bernadette look for a date for Koothrappali.

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Gdt0sfhnaosl5gheaxufufrodwx 6x12 – The Egg Salad Equivalency

When Sheldon is accused of sexual harassment, he ends up getting Raj, Leonard and Wolowitz in trouble.

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Haiihyo2gbgj7np5mbac5xfmuly 6x13 – The Bakersfield Expedition

As the guys don costumes and go on a road trip to a comic book convention, the ladies decide to stay home and try to interpret a comic book.

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Jcf4ghklq2t8or5avp6lutzt1zf 6x14 – The Cooper/Kripke Inversion

Sheldon faces a crisis of confidence when he is forced to work with his nemesis, Barry Kripke; Raj and Howard buy expensive action figures of themselves.

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Jazbfzmd1iomnjni6pvpyf5k0pq 6x15 – The Spoiler Alert Segmentation

A fight between Sheldon and Leonard impacts Amy and Penny's living arrangements; while Howard is away, Raj helps Mrs. Wolowitz out.

Gesehen von 195 Usern

L5hfix96ttslqpjcpb8etfwn75r 6x16 – The Tangible Affection Proof

The guys search for a perfect Valentine's Day gift for their significant others; Stuart and Raj host a "lonely people" party at the comic book store.

Gesehen von 195 Usern

Tibegtbdkqpwr8u4dsjojdfaizd 6x17 – The Monster Isolation

After a bad date, Koothrappali decides to never leave his apartment; Penny's acting skills impress Sheldon.

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Qytkhdz4ufb8amoafdwna2qmqga 6x18 – The Contractual Obligation Implementation

Leonard, Sheldon and Wolowitz talk to junior high girls about science-related careers; Raj plans a date with Lucy.

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Yhzcwmcav9kbvmsmi7jfez3yyv5 6x19 – The Closet Reconfiguration

Howard considers whether or not he should open a letter from his father; Penny and Leonard host a "grown-up" cocktail party.

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12i9ecvxtscilfevzz1ghhuveuv 6x20 – The Tenure Turbulence

The girls get involved when Leonard, Sheldon and Raj compete for tenure at the University.

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2kjkmfkfwlu7zro7yqnriyxfg8v 6x21 – The Closure Alternative

Amy tries to help Sheldon get over his compulsive need for closure when one of his favorite TV shows is canceled; Raj discovers a secret about Lucy.

Gesehen von 195 Usern

4b2ogajlw91a9ieze3n6zhuux2h 6x22 – The Proton Resurgence

Leonard and Sheldon hire the host (Bob Newhart) of their favorite childhood TV show to perform; Bernadette and Howard run into trouble while dog-sitting for Raj's pet.

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Tr6sa0xpwz2vutxqeccpplkxbcd 6x23 – The Love Spell Potential

Amy and Sheldon's relationship takes a surprising turn during a game of "Dungeons & Dragons"; Lucy and Koothrappali have an awkward date.

Gesehen von 194 Usern

Xxvdop9z0bfxttqco3duy9sah89 6x24 – The Bon Voyage Reaction

When Leonard receives an exciting opportunity to work overseas, Penny and Sheldon are thrown for a loop.

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Quelle: themoviedb.org

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